| - The wide-band-gap semiconductor BaZnOS adopts a high-symmetry modification of the SrZnO2 structure type andcontains layers of vertex-linked ZnO2S2 tetrahedra, which represent a novel coordination environment for zinc inthe solid state. BaZnOS: orthorhombic, space group Cmcm; a = 3.9619(2) Å, b = 12.8541(7) Å, c = 6.1175(4)Å, Z = 4. Diffuse-reflectance spectroscopy measurements reveal a direct band gap of 3.9(3) eV, consistent withthe white color and the results of band structure calculations. The band gap is larger than those observed in ZnOand ZnS, consistent with the more ionic nature of BaZnOS. Attempts to dope this compound electronically haveso far not proved possible.
- BaZnOS exhibits a novel structure composed of corner-linked ZnO2S2 tetrahedra, which represent a new coordination environment for zinc in the solid state.