| - We report here the synthesis and crystal and electronic structures of the Na2(Sc4Nb2)(Nb6O12)3 niobium oxidewhose structure is related to that of Ti2Nb6O12. It constitutes a new member of the larger AnBM6L12(Z) families (A= monovalent cation located in tetrahedral cavities of units, B = monovalent or trivalent cations located in octahedralcavities of units, M = rare earth, Zr, or Nb, Z = interstitial except for M = Nb). The structural relationshipsbetween the AnBM6L12(Z) series (M6Li12La6 unit-based compounds with a M6Li6Li-a6/2La-i6/2 cluster framework) andChevrel Phases (M6Li8La6 unit-based compounds with a M6Li2Li-a6/2La-i6/2 cluster framework) are shown in terms ofM6L18 and M6L14 unit packing. Despite a topology similar to that encountered in Chevrel Phases, intercalationproperties are not expected in the Nb6Oi6Oi-a6/2Oa-i6/2 cluster framework-based compounds. Finally, it is shown,from theoretical LMTO calculations, that a semiconducting behavior is expected for a maximum VEC of 14 in theNb6Oi6Oi-a6/2Oa-i6/2 cluster framework.
- Na2(Sc4Nb2)(Nb6O12)3 niobium oxide whose structure is related to that of Ti2Nb6O12 is a new member of the larger AnBM6L12(Z) family (A = monovalent cation in tetrahedral cavities, B = monovalent or trivalent cations in octahedral cavities, M = rare earth, Zr, or Nb, Z = interstitial except for Nb). The structural relationships between the AnBM6L12(Z) series (M6Li12La6 unit-based compounds with a M6Li6Li-a6/2La-i6/2 cluster framework) and Chevrel Phases (M6Li8La6 unit-based compounds with a M6Li2Li-a6/2La-i6/2 cluster framework) are given in terms of M6L18 and M6L14 unit packing.