| - The oxo-bridged dimer [Mo2O4(μ2-O)Cl2(pzH)4] (1; pzH = pyrazole) exhibits unusually high activity in the liquid-phase catalytic epoxidation of the cyclic olefins cyclooctene and (R)-(+)-limonene under mild conditions and in the absence of additional organic solvents, using tert-butyl hydroperoxide as the oxidant. An X-ray crystallographic investigation reveals that 1 has an unprecedented and extremely rare all-cis configuration at each of the MoO2(μ2-O)Cl(pzH)2 cores, which can be understood by considering supramolecular contacts and geometric factors.
- The oxo-bridged dimer [Mo2O4(μ2-O)Cl2(pzH)4] (1; pzH = pyrazole)exhibits unusually high activity in the liquid-phase catalyticepoxidation of the cyclic olefins cyclooctene and (R)-(+)-limoneneunder mild conditions and in the absence of additional organicsolvents, using tert-butyl hydroperoxide as the oxidant. The complexis stable under the reaction conditions and can be used in furthercatalytic runs without significant loss of performance. An X-raycrystallographic investigation reveals that 1 has an unprecedentedand extremely rare all-cis configuration at each of the MoO2-(μ2-O)Cl(pzH)2 cores, which can be understood by consideringsupramolecular contacts and geometric factors.