| - The crystal structures of two metallo oxides, perrhenate anddichromate, are reported with a diprotonated tetraamido/diamino-based macrocycle, L, in which the floppy ligand assumes a foldedconformation. When the four amides are deprotonated, this sameligand binds transition-metal ions in its tetraanionic form, H-4L.For the divalent metal ions Cu2+ and Ni2+, H-4L again folds anddinuclear complexes are formed. With trivalent metal ions Co3+and Fe3+, the ligand wraps about the metal ions, resulting inmononuclear complexes.
- The crystal structures of two metallo oxides, Cr2O72- and ReO4-, are reported with a diprotonated tetraamido/diamino-based macrocycle, H2L2+. Structures of L in its deprotonated form H-4L are reported for Cu2+, Ni2+, Fe3+, and Co3+. For the divalent metal ions, H-4L folds to form dinuclear complexes similar in shape to the anion complexes, while H-4L wraps around the trivalent metal ions to give mononuclear complexes.