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Terthienyl and Poly-terthienyl Ligands as Redox-SwitchableHemilabile Ligands for Oxidation-State-Dependent Molecular Uptakeand Release
An Application of Electronic Asymmetry to Highly EnantioselectiveCatalytic Diels−Alder Reactions
Screening of Homogeneous Catalysts by FluorescenceResonance Energy Transfer. Identification ofCatalysts for Room-Temperature Heck Reactions
Reaction of Sc+ (1D, 3D) with H2O, NH3, and CH4: A DensityFunctional Study
Oxidation-Active Flavin Models: Oxidation of α-Hydroxy Acids byBenzo-dipteridine Bearing Metal-Binding Site in the Presence ofDivalent Metal Ion and Base in Organic Solvents
Annual Review of Physical Chemistry. Volume 51, 2000 Editedby Herbert L. Strauss (University of California, Berkeley), GeraldT. Babcock (Michigan State University), and Stephen R. Leone(University of Colorado, Boulder). Annual Reviews: Palo Alto, CA.2000. xiv + 868 pp. $64.00 Individual Price. $134.00 InstitutionalPrice. ISBN 0-8243-1051-9
Dimesitylketone O-Oxide: Spectroscopic Characterization,Conformation, and Reaction Modes: OH Formation and OH Capture
Synthesis and Characterization of Regiorandom and RegioregularPoly(3-octylfuran)
UDFT and MCSCF Descriptions of the Photochemical BergmanCyclization of Enediynes
Molecular Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Protein−RNAInteractions: Mutation of a Conserved Aromatic Residue ModifiesStacking Interactions and Structural Adaptation in the U1A−StemLoop 2 RNA Complex
Reaction of cis- and trans-2-Butene-1,4-dial with2‘-Deoxycytidine to Form StableOxadiazabicyclooctaimine Adducts
Validation of Protein Structure from Preparations ofEncapsulated Proteins Dissolved in Low ViscosityFluids
Phosphite Dehydrogenase: An Unusual PhosphorylTransfer Reaction
Dendrimers II. Architecture, Nanostructure and Supramolecular Chemistry. Topics in Current Chemistry. Volume 210 ByFritz Vögtle (University of Bonn). Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg,and New York. 2000. x + 312 pp. $199.00. ISBN 3-540-67097-1
Asymmetric Fluoroorganic Chemistry. Synthesis, Applications,and Future Directions Edited by P. V. Ramachandran (PurdueUniversity). American Chemical Society: Washington, DC. 2000(Distributed by Oxford University Press.) 2000. x + 310 pp.$125.00. ISBN 0-8412-3639-9
DFT Study of the [2 + 2] Cycloreversion of UracilDimer Anion Radical: Waters Matter
Efficient Diastereoselective Syntheses of ChiralMacrocycles via Zirconocene Coupling. SyntheticControl of Size and Geometry
Studies of Reductive Elimination Reactions To FormCarbon−Oxygen Bonds from Pt(IV) Complexes
p-Phenylenecarbenonitrene and Its Halogen Derivatives: How DoesResonance Interaction between a Nitrene and a Carbene Center Affectthe Overall Electronic Configuration?
Structure Assignment in the Solid State by the Coupling of QuantumChemical Calculations with NMR Experiments: A ColumnarHexabenzocoronene Derivative
Theoretical Determination of the Co−C Bond EnergyDissociation in Cobalamins
Recognition of Nine Base Pairs in the Minor Groove of DNA by aTripyrrole Peptide−Hoechst Conjugate
Transient Resonance Raman and Density Functional TheoryInvestigation of the 2-Fluorenylnitrenium Ion
Capillary Electrophoresis for Food Analysis: Method Develop-ment By Richard A. Frazier, Jennifer M. Ames, and Harry E.Nursten (The University of Reading). Royal Society of Chemistry: Cambridge, UK. 2000. xiv + 128 pp. $99.00. ISBN 0-85404-492-2
Organosilicon Chemistry IV: From Molecules to Materials Edited by Norbert Auner (Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität,Frankfurt) and Johann Weis (Wacker-Chemie GmbH, München).Wiley-VCH: Weinheim. 2000. xviii + 834 pp. $155.00. ISBN3-527-29854-1
Catalytic Asymmetric Solid-Phase Cyclopropanation
Annulation of Alkenyl-Substituted Heterocycles viaRhodium-Catalyzed Intramolecular C−H ActivatedCoupling Reactions
Structural Characterization of Complexes between IminodiacetateBlocked on Styrene−Divinylbenzene Matrix (Chelex 100 Resin) andFe(III), Cr(III), and Zn(II) in Solid Phase by Energy-Dispersive X-rayDiffraction
Catalytic Effects of Dioxygen on Intramolecular Electron Transfer inRadical Ion Pairs of Zinc Porphyrin-Linked Fullerenes
Development of Multianalyte Sensor Arrays Composed of ChemicallyDerivatized Polymeric Microspheres Localized in MicromachinedCavities
A Chemist's Guide to Density Functional Theory By WolframKoch (German Chemical Society, Frankfurt am Main) and Max C.Holthausen (Humbolt University Berlin). Wiley-VCH: Weinheim.2000. xiv + 294 pp. $79.95. ISBN 3-527-29918-1
UV Resonance Raman Detection of a LigandVibration on Ferric Nitrosyl Heme Proteins
35 GHz ENDOR Characterization of the “Very Rapid” Signal ofXanthine Oxidase Reacted with 2-Hydroxy-6-methylpurine (13C8): Evidence against Direct Mo−C8 Interaction
The Origin of 1,4-Asymmetric Induction in theAdditions of Chiral Alcohols to Ketenes
Rational Design of Fluorescein-Based Fluorescence Probes.Mechanism-Based Design of a Maximum Fluorescence Probe forSinglet Oxygen
EPR Spectroscopy of MRI-Related Gd(III) Complexes: SimultaneousAnalysis of Multiple Frequency and Temperature Spectra, IncludingStatic and Transient Crystal Field Effects
The Importance of Acyl Chain Placement onPhospholipid Mixing in the Physiologically RelevantFluid Phase
Highly Active Oligomeric (salen)Co Catalysts forAsymmetric Epoxide Ring-Opening Reactions
Mechanism of Nitric Oxide Synthase. Evidence thatDirect Hydrogen Atom Abstraction from the O−HBond of NG-Hydroxyarginine Is Not Relevant to theMechanism
Electrostatics of Cell Membrane Recognition: Structure and Activityof Neutral and Cationic Rigid Push-Pull Rods in Isoelectric, Anionic,and Polarized Lipid Bilayer Membranes
Modulating Charge Separation and Charge Recombination Dynamicsin Porphyrin−Fullerene Linked Dyads and Triads: Marcus-Normalversus Inverted Region
Maximum Communication between CoupledOxidations of Dimetal Units
Precursor-Directed Biosynthesis of 16-Membered Macrolides by theErythromycin Polyketide Synthase
A Self-Assembled Metallomacrocyclic Ionophore withHigh Affinity and Selectivity for Li+ and Na+
Tandem Ligation of Unprotected Peptides through Thiaprolyl andCysteinyl Bonds in Water
Flash Photolytic Generation and Study of the Enol of2-Hydroxy-2-cyano-N-methylacetamide in AqueousSolution, Leading to an Empirically-Based Estimateof the Keto−Enol Equilibrium Constant for theParent Unsubstituted Acetamide in That Medium
Effect of an Internal Anthranilamide Turn Unit onthe Structure and Conformational Stability ofHelically Biased Intramolecularly Hydrogen-BondedDendrons
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