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Metal Cation Complexation and Activation of Reversed CPyIAnalogues of CC-1065 and Duocarmycin SA: Partitioning the Effectsof Binding and Catalysis
Light-Emitting Carbazole Derivatives: Potential ElectroluminescentMaterials
Controlled Polymerization of β-Lactams UsingMetal−Amido Complexes: Synthesis of BlockCopoly(β-peptides)
Density Functional Study of the Retrocyclization of Norbornadieneand Norbornene Catalyzed by Fe+
Temperature-Dependent Helix−Coil Transition of an Alanine BasedPeptide
Approaches to the Synthesis of (±)-Strychnine via theCobalt-Mediated [2 + 2 + 2] Cycloaddition: Rapid Assembly of aClassic Framework
Enantioselective Tandem Radical Reactions: VicinalDifunctionalization in Acyclic Systems with Controlover Relative and Absolute Stereochemistry
Chemical Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of cis- andtrans-12,13-Cyclopropyl and 12,13-Cyclobutyl Epothilones andRelated Pyridine Side Chain Analogues
Synthesis of (Z)-2-Acyl-2-enals viaRetrocycloadditions of 5-Acyl-4-alkyl-4H-1,3-dioxins: Application in the Total Synthesis of the Cytotoxin(±)-Euplotin A
Chemical and Biological Sensors for Environmental Monitoring Edited by Ashok Mulchandani (University of California, Riverside)and Omowunmi A. Sadik (State University of New York,Binghamton). American Chemical Society (distributed by OxfordUniversity Press). 2000. xii + 340 pp. $115.00. ISBN: 0-8412-3687-9.
A Novel Biodegradable Gene Carrier Based onPolyphosphoester
Functionalized Pentacene: Improved ElectronicProperties from Control of Solid-State Order
Isotope Effects and Medium Effects on Sulfuryl Transfer Reactions
Enantioselective Total Syntheses of Ditryptophenalineand ent-WIN 64821
The Dissociation Kinetics of Energy-Selected CpMn(CO)3+ IonsStudied by Threshold Photoelectron−Photoion CoincidenceSpectroscopy
Dynamics of Alkene Radical Cation/Phosphate Anion Pair Formationfrom Nucleotide C4‘ Radicals. The DNA/RNA Paradox Revisited
A Plethora of Carbene Interconversions on the C5H4S EnergySurface: A Computational Study
Solid-State Evidence for Pi-Complexation of Sodiumand Potassium Cations by Carbon−Carbon TripleBonds
Detergency of Specialty Surfactants. Surfactant Science Series.Volume 98 Edited by Floyd E. Friedli (Goldschmidt ChemicalCorp., Dublin, OH). Marcel Dekker, Inc.: New York, Basel. 2001.x + 284 pp. $150. ISBN 0-8247-0491-6.
Hydrolysis Theory for Cisplatin and Its Analogues Based on DensityFunctional Studies
On the Stability of Double Stranded Nucleic Acids
The Magnitude of [C−H···O] Hydrogen Bonding in Molecular andSupramolecular Assemblies
Selective Binding of the Cyano Group in Acrylonitrile Adsorption onSi(100)-2 × 1
Thermally and Photochemically TriggeredSelf-Assembly of Peptide Hydrogels
Novel Synthetic Route to Allyl Cyanamides: Palladium-Catalyzed Coupling of Isocyanides, AllylCarbonate, and Trimethylsilyl Azide
Extensive Investigations on Oxidized Amino Acid Residues inH2O2-Treated Cu,Zn-SOD Protein with LC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS, MS/MSfor the Determination of the Copper-Binding Site
Conformational Analysis of Singlet−Triplet State Mixing inPaternò−Büchi Diradicals
Synthesis of Porphobilinogen via a Novel Ozonide Cleavage Reaction
Catalytic, Enantioselective Addition of SubstitutedAllylic Trichlorosilanes Using a Rationally-Designed2,2‘-Bispyrrolidine-Based Bisphosphoramide
Total Synthesis of Asperazine
Synthesis of Well-Defined Block CopolymersTethered to Polysilsesquioxane Nanoparticles andTheir Nanoscale Morphology on Surfaces
Direct Photocleavage of HIV−DNA by Quinacridine DerivativesTriggered by Triplex Formation
A Distal Histidine Mutant (H52Q) of Yeast Cytochrome c PeroxidaseCatalyzes the Oxidation of H2O2 Instead of Its Reduction
Dimerizable Cationic Detergents with a Low cmc Condense PlasmidDNA into Nanometric Particles and Transfect Cells in Culture
Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis of α,β-Epoxy Esters,Aldehydes, Amides, and γ,δ-Epoxy β-Keto Esters: Unique Reactivity of α,β-Unsaturated CarboxylicAcid Imidazolides
The Energy Gap Law for Triplet States in Pt-Containing ConjugatedPolymers and Monomers
Hydrolysis of Phosphotriesters: Determination of Transition States inParallel Reactions by Heavy-Atom Isotope Effects
Dynamics of Water Molecules in the Br- SolvationShell: An ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Study
Flavor Release Edited by Deborah D. Roberts (Nestlé ResearchCenter) and Andrew J. Taylor (University of Nottingham). American Chemical Society (Distributed by Oxford University Press): Washington, DC. 2000. xii + 484 pp. $145.00. ISBN 0-8412-3692-5.
Metal-Assisted Organization of Shortened CarbonNanotubes in Monolayer and Multilayer ForestAssemblies
Oxazolidinone Protected 2-Amino-2-deoxy-d-glucoseDerivatives as Versatile Intermediates inStereoselective Oligosaccharide Synthesis and theFormation of α-Linked Glycosides
Different Surface-Restructuring Behaviors ofPoly(methacrylate)s Detected by SFG in Water
Single-Step Determination of Protein SubstructuresUsing Dipolar Couplings: Aid to StructuralGenomics
Asymmetric Catalysis with the NormallyUnresolvable, Conformationally Dynamic2,2‘-Bis(diphenylphosphino)-1,1‘-biphenyl (Biphep)
Biomimetic Hydrogen Evolution Catalyzed by anIron Carbonyl Thiolate
A Rare Example of Three Abundant Conformers in One Retro Modelof the Cisplatin−DNA d(GpG) Intrastrand Cross Link. UnambiguousEvidence That Guanine O6 to Carrier Amine Ligand HydrogenBonding Is Not Important. Possible Effect of the Lippard Base PairStep Adjacent to the Lesion on Carrier Ligand Hydrogen Bonding inDNA Adducts
Phenazine Biosynthesis in Pseudomonas fluorescens: Branchpoint from the Primary ShikimateBiosynthetic Pathway and Role ofPhenazine-1,6-dicarboxylic Acid
Novel [2]Catenane Structures Introducing Communication betweenTransition Metal Centers via π···π Interactions
Total Synthesis of Deschlorocallipeltoside A
Transition Metal Catalysis in Macromolecular Design Editedby Lisa Saunders Boffa (Exxon Research and Engineering Co.) andBruce M. Novak (North Carolina State University). AmericanChemical Society (Distributed by Oxford University Press): Washington, DC. 2000. x + 300 pp. $115.00. ISBN 0-8412-3673-9.
2H MAS NMR Studies of the Manganese Dioxide Tunnel Structuresand Hydroxides Used as Cathode Materials in Primary Batteries
A Study of C−F···M+ Interaction: Metal Complexes ofFluorine-Containing Cage Compounds
A Cross-Reactive, Class-Selective Enzymatic ArrayAssay
Synthesis of the First Corrolazine: A New Memberof the Porphyrinoid Family
Tervalent Conducting Polymers with Tailor-Made Work Functions: Preparation, Characterization, and Applications as Cathodes inElectroluminescent Devices
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