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Platinum-Containing Hyper-Cross-Linked Polystyrene as aModifier-Free Selective Catalyst for l-Sorbose Oxidation
Derivatization of Fullerene Dimer C120 by the Bingel Reaction and a3He NMR Study of 3He@C120 Monoadducts
Self-Assembled Arrays of Organic Nanotubes withInfinitely Long One-Dimensional H-Bond Chains
Chiral Recognition of Helical Metal Complexes by ModifiedCyclodextrins
Generalization of Ionic Partition Diagrams to Lipophilic Compoundsand to Biphasic Systems with Variable Phase Volume Ratios
Macrocyclization via Allyl Transfer: Total Synthesisof Laulimalide
Enantioselective Construction of QuaternaryStereocenter through a Reissert-Type ReactionCatalyzed by an Electronically Tuned BifunctionalCatalyst: Efficient Synthesis of Various BiologicallySignificant Compounds
Electron Transfer Through-Space orThrough-Bonds? A Novel System that Permits aDirect Evaluation
Cavity-Directed Synthesis of Labile Silanol Oligomers withinSelf-Assembled Coordination Cages
Layered Cobalt Hydroxysulfates with Both Rigid and FlexibleOrganic Pillars: Synthesis, Structure, Porosity, and CooperativeMagnetism
Selective Photocatalysis by Means of MolecularRecognition
Effect of Solute Size and Solute−Water Attractive Interactions onHydration Water Structure around Hydrophobic Solutes
Ab Initio and Experimental Study on Thermally DegradablePolycarbonates: The Effect of Substituents on the Reaction Rates
Palladium Complex Catalyzed Acylation of Allylic Esters withAcylsilanes
Synthesis of (tBu3SiNH)2ClW⋮WCl(NHSitBu3)2 and Its Degradationvia NH Bond Activation
Halophilic Reactions: Anomalies in BromineTransfer Reactions
Mechanistic Aspects of Samarium-Mediated σ-Bond Activations ofArene C−H and Arylsilane Si−C Bonds
Cyclodextrin-Based Artificial Acyltransferase: Substrate-Specific Catalytic Amidation of CarboxylicAcids in Aqueous Solvent
Electron Transfer in the [Pt(NH3)4]2+ [W(CN)8]3-Donor−Acceptor System. The Environment Effect: A Time-Dependent Density Functional Study
Oxygen-Containing Functional Groups on Single-Wall CarbonNanotubes: NEXAFS and Vibrational Spectroscopic Studies
Indirect High-Resolution Observation of 14N NMR inRotating Solids
Electrophoretic Characterization of TransientPhotochemical Reaction Products
Enantioselective Total Synthesis of Batzelladine F: Structural Revision and Stereochemical Definition
Stable Colloidal Dispersions of Fullerenes in Polar Organic Solvents
Open Problems in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems Editedby Janez Bonča, Peter Prelovšek, Anton Ramšak (Jožef StefanInstitute, Ljubljana, Slovenia), and Sarben Sarker (King's CollegeLondon, London, U.K.). Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht,Boston, London. 2001. xvi + 462 pp. $175.00. ISBN: 0-7923-6895-9.
Hydroxorhodium Complex-CatalyzedCarbon−Carbon Bond-Forming Reactions ofSilanediols with α,β-Unsaturated CarbonylCompounds. Mizoroki-Heck-Type Reaction vsConjugate Addition
Proton Relay in a One-Dimensional Hydrogen-Bonded ChainComposed of Water Molecules and a Squaric Acid Derivative
Complexation-Induced Unfolding of Heterocyclic Ureas. SimpleFoldamers Equilibrate with Multiply Hydrogen-Bonded SheetlikeStructures1
A Remarkable Skeletal Rearrangement of a Coordinated Tetrapyrrole: Chemical Consequences of Palladium π-Coordination to a Bilindione
myo-Inositol 1,4,5,6-Tetrakisphosphate and myo-Inositol3,4,5,6-Tetrakisphosphate, Two Second Messengers thatMay Act as pH-Dependent Molecular Switches [J. Am. Chem.Soc.2001, 123, 3399−4000].
Chemical Insights from High-Resolution X-ray PhotoelectronSpectroscopy and ab Initio Theory: Propyne, Trifluoropropyne, andEthynylsulfur Pentafluoride
Stepwise Hapticity Changes in Sequential One-Electron RedoxReactions of Indenyl-Molybdenum Complexes: CombinedElectrochemical, ESR, X-ray, and Theoretical Studies
Hydrophobic Interactions in a CyanobacterialPlastocyanin−Cytochrome f Complex
Cationic Hafnium Alkyl Complexes that Are Stabletoward β-Hydride Elimination below 10 °C andActive as Initiators for the Living Polymerization of1-Hexene
A Facile Diels−Alder Reaction with Benzene: Synthesis of the Bicyclo[2.2.2]octene SkeletonPromoted by Rhenium
Rational Design of Diflunisal Analogues with Reduced Affinity forHuman Serum Albumin
Direct Methyl Group Exchange between CationicZirconium Ziegler−Natta Initiators and Their LivingPolymers: Ramifications for the Production ofStereoblock Polyolefins
Self-Powered Enzyme-Based Biosensors
An Efficient Intermolecular Palladium-CatalyzedSynthesis of Aryl Ethers
Total Synthesis of (+)-Ambruticin
Mechanistic Implications of Proton Transfer Coupled to ElectronTransfer
Diastereo- and Enantioselective Cyclopropanation with ChromiumFischer Carbene Complexes: Alkenyl Oxazolines as Useful Achiraland Chiral Substrates
Photochemical and Electrochemical Properties of Zinc Chlorin−C60Dyad as Compared to Corresponding Free-Base Chlorin−C60,Free-Base Porphyrin−C60, and Zinc Porphyrin−C60 Dyads
Two-Photon Absorption and Nonlinear Optical Properties ofOctupolar Molecules
Dopamine Interaction in the Absence and in the Presence of Cu2+Ions with Macrocyclic and Macrobicyclic Polyamines ContainingPyrazole Units. Crystal Structures of [Cu2(L1)(H2O)2](ClO4)4 and[Cu2(H-1L3)](ClO4)3·2H2O
Direct Observation of a NonchelatedMetal−Alkyl−Alkene Complex and Measurement ofthe Rate of Alkyl Migration to a Coordinated Alkene
Cu(0) Nanoclusters Derived from Poly(propylene imine) DendrimerComplexes of Cu(II)
Cyclizations of Enynes Catalyzed by PtCl2 or Other Transition MetalChlorides: Divergent Reaction Pathways
Ion-Induced Rectification of Nanoparticle Quantized CapacitanceCharging in Aqueous Solutions
Spontaneously Resolved Chiral Interpenetrating 3-DNets with Two Different Zinc Coordination Polymers
Optimization of the Relaxivity of MRI ContrastAgents: Effect of Poly(ethylene glycol) Chains on theWater-Exchange Rates of GdIII Complexes
Preparation of New Catalysts by the Immobilization of Palladium(II)Species onto Silica: An Investigation of Their Catalytic Activity forthe Cyclization of Aminoalkynes
A Novel S = 7/2 Configuration of the Mn Cluster ofPhotosystem II
Molecular Recognition of Sialyl Lewisx and Related Saccharides byTwo Lectins
Extremely Non-Planar Phthalocyanines with Saddleor Helical Conformation: Synthesis and StructuralCharacterizations
Reversible Photocontrol of the Coordination Numberof Silicon in a Tetrafluorosilicate Bearing a2-(Phenylazo)phenyl Group
Reduced Polarity in Protic Solvents nearHydrophobic Solid Surfaces
Cyanoacetylene Adsorption on Amorphous and Crystalline Water IceFilms: Investigation through Matrix Isolation and Quantum Study
Mechanism of Inhibition of the Class C β-Lactamase of Enterobactercloacae P99 by Cyclic Acyl Phosph(on)ates: Rescue by Return
Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis Edited by KarlKirchner (Vienna University of Technology) and Walter Weissensteiner (University of Vienna). Springer-Verlag: Wien, New York.2001. x + 158 pp. $119.00. ISBN: 3-211-83599-7.
Model Studies of Hydrogen Atom Addition and Abstraction ProcessesInvolving ortho-, meta-, and para-Benzynes
Crystallographically Oriented Mesoporous WO3 Films: Synthesis,Characterization, and Applications
Estimation of Carbon−Carbon Bond Lengths and Medium-RangeInternuclear Distances by Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
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