| - The synthesis of eight new cyclobutadiene or ferrocene-fused organometallic dehydroannulenesis reported. Cadiot-type coupling of a 1-bromoethynyl-2-silylethynylbenzene derivative to an organometallicdiyne (1,2-diethynyl-3,4-bis(trimethylsilyl)cyclobutadiene(cyclopentadienyl )cobalt or 1,2-diethynylferrocene)is followed by deprotection and Cu(OAc)2-promoted ring closure. Five of the organometallic dehydroannulenes were structurally characterized. Three of the novel cycles explode at temperatures from 196 to293 °C and form insoluble carbon materials. The soot produced from 13a shows a high abundance ofonion-like carbon nanostructures. The nanostructures were characterized by high-resolution transmissionelectron microscopy.