| - One-dimensional silicon−carbon nanotubes and nanowires of various shapes and structureswere synthesized via the reaction of silicon (produced by disproportionation reaction of SiO) with multiwalledcarbon nanotubes (as templates) at different temperatures. A new type of multiwalled silicon carbidenanotube (SiCNT), with 3.5−4.5 Å interlayer spacings, was observed in addition to the previously knownβ-SiC (cubic zinc blende structure) nanowires and the biaxial SiC−SiOx nanowires. The SiCNT was identifiedby high-resolution transmission microscopy (HRTEM), elemental mapping, and electron energy lossspectroscopy (EELS). The multiwalled SiCNT was found to transform to a β-SiC crystalline structure byelectron beam annealing under TEM.