| - A suite of 2H-based spin relaxation NMR experiments is presented for the measurement ofmolecular dynamics in a site-specific manner in uniformly 13C, randomly fractionally deuterated (∼50%)RNA molecules. The experiments quantify 2H R1 and R2 relaxation rates that can subsequently be analyzedto obtain information about dynamics on a pico- to nanosecond time scale. Sensitivity permitting, theconsistency of the data can be evaluated by measuring all five rates that are accessible for a spin 1 particleand establishing that the rates obey relations that are predicted from theory. The utility of the methodologyis demonstrated with studies of the dynamics of a 14-mer RNA containing the UUCG tetraloop attemperatures of 25 and 5 °C. The high quality of the data, even at 5 °C, suggests that the experiments willbe of use for the study of RNA molecules that are as large as 30 nucleotides.