| - Light regulation of enzyme activities in oxygenic photosynthesis is mediated by ferredoxin:thioredoxin reductase (FTR), a novel class of disulfide reductase with an active site comprising a [Fe4S4]2+cluster and an adjacent disulfide, that catalyzes reduction of the thioredoxin disulfide in two sequentialone-electron steps using a [Fe2S2]2+/+ ferredoxin as the electron donor. In this work, we report onspectroscopic (EPR, VTMCD, resonance Raman, and Mössbauer) and redox characterization of the activesite of FTR in various forms of the enzyme, including wild-type FTR, point-mutation variants at each of theactive-site cysteine residues, and stable analogues of the one-electron-reduced FTR-Trx heterodisulfideintermediate. The results reveal novel site-specific Fe4S4-cluster chemistry in oxidized, one-electron-reduced,and two-electron-reduced forms of FTR. In the resting enzyme, a weak interaction between the Fe4S4cluster and the active-site disulfide promotes charge buildup at a unique Fe site and primes the active siteto accept an electron from ferredoxin to break the disulfide bond. In one-electron-reduced analogues,cleavage of the active-site disulfide is accompanied by coordination of one of the cysteine residues thatform the active-site disulfide to yield a [Fe4S4]3+ cluster with two cysteinate ligands at a unique Fe site. Themost intriguing result is that two-electron-reduced FTR in which the disulfide is reduced to a dithiol containsan unprecedented electron-rich [Fe4S4]2+ cluster comprising both valence-delocalized and valence-localizedFe2+Fe3+ pairs. These results provide molecular level insights into the catalytic mechanism of FTR, andtwo viable mechanisms are proposed.