| - The EXAFS and resonance Raman spectra on the HNO-myoglobin adduct, 1, are consistent with the presence of HNO bound to a heme center. The three-dimensional structure about the heme center of 1 obtained from multiple-scattering (MS) analysis of the EXAFS of the heme protein yielded an Fe−N−O bond angle of 131° and an Fe−N bond length of 1.82 Å, which compare well with published values for model complexes containing RNO ligands. Resonance Raman spectra identified the ν(NO) stretch at 1385 cm-1 (confirmed by 15N labeling), which corresponds well with those reported for small molecule HNO complexes. The wavelength of the ν(Fe−N) at 636 cm-1 of 1 is significantly higher than those of MbIINO and MbIIINO (554 and 595 cm-1, respectively). The XAFS, XANES, and resonance Raman data are all consistent with the structure deduced from the NMR experiments, providing more detail on the bonding between HNO and the metal center.