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Application of MCD Spectroscopy and TD−DFT to a HighlyNon-Planar Porphyrinoid Ring System. New Insights onRed−Shifted Porphyrinoid Spectral Bands
Guanidinophosphazenes: Design, Synthesis, and Basicity inTHF and in the Gas Phase
Enthalpic Pair Interaction Coefficient between Zwitterions ofl-α-Amino Acids and Urea Molecule as a HydrophobicityParameter of Amino Acid Side Chains
Heat of Hydrogenation of 1,5-Dehydroquadricyclane. AComputational and Experimental Study of a HighlyPyramidalized Alkene
Oxidative Cyclizations in a Nonpolar Solvent Using MolecularOxygen and Studies on the Stereochemistry ofOxypalladation
Theoretical Study of the 13C NMR Spectroscopy ofSingle-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
A Mixed-Valence Coordination Polymer Featuring Two-DimensionalFerroelectric Order: {[CuI4CuII(Et2dtc)2Cl3][CuII(Et2dtc)2]2(FeCl4)}n (Et2dtc- =diethyldithiocarbamate)
Coupe du Roi Bisection of Proteins. SpontaneousTetramerization of Two Peptides That Span the Sequence ofthe Rabbit Uteroglobin Monomer
Ultrafast Intermolecular Zero Quantum Spectroscopy
Nano- and Microscopic Surface Wrinkles of LinearlyIncreasing Heights Prepared by Periodic Precipitation
Properties of Inhibitors of Methane Hydrate Formation viaMolecular Dynamics Simulations
An Alternative of CdSe Nanocrystal Emitters: Pure and Tunable ImpurityEmissions in ZnSe Nanocrystals
Characterization of Kinetics and Products of the Baeyer−Villiger OxygenaseMtmOIV, The Key Enzyme of the Biosynthetic Pathway toward the NaturalProduct Anticancer Drug Mithramycin from Streptomyces argillaceus
Identification and Hydrogenation of C2 on Pt(111)
RNA-Mediated Control of Metal Nanoparticle Shape
Branched Coordination Multilayers on Gold
Ru-Catalyzed Alkene−Alkyne Coupling. Total Synthesis ofAmphidinolide P
Silicon-Initiated Carbonylative Carbotricyclization and[2+2+2+1] Cycloaddition of Enediynes Catalyzed by RhodiumComplexes
Chemoenzymatic Dynamic Kinetic Resolution of Primary Amines
Synthesis of Chiral Self-Assembling Rhombs and TheirCharacterization in Solution, in the Gas Phase, and at theLiquid−Solid Interface
Design and Synthesis of Intramolecular ChargeTransfer-Based Fluorescent Reagents for the Highly-SensitiveDetection of Proteins
Synthesis, Neutron Structure, and Reactivity of the Bis(dihydrogen) ComplexRuH2(η2-H2)2(PCyp3)2 Stabilized by Two Tricyclopentylphosphines
A Multifunctional Pasteurella multocida Sialyltransferase: A Powerful Tool forthe Synthesis of Sialoside Libraries
A Ferroelectrically Switchable Columnar Liquid CrystalPhase with Achiral Molecules: Superstructures andProperties of Liquid Crystalline Ureas [J. Am. Chem.Soc.2005, 127, 2565−2571].
Creating Responsive Surfaces with Tailored Wettability Switching Kineticsand Reconstruction Reversibility
Brønsted Base-Modulated Regioselectivity in the AerobicOxidative Amination of Styrene Catalyzed by Palladium
Deposition of CTAB-Terminated Nanorods on Bacteria to Form HighlyConducting Hybrid Systems
Alkyne Hydrosilylation Catalyzed by a Cationic RutheniumComplex: Efficient and General Trans Addition
Why Is the Partial Molar Volume of CO2 So Small WhenDissolved in a Room Temperature Ionic Liquid? Structure andDynamics of CO2 Dissolved in [Bmim+] [PF6-]
Solvent Friction Effect on Intramolecular Electron Transfer
MRI Thermometry Based on PARACEST Agents
Spectroscopic Characterization of Interstrand CarbinolamineCross-Links Formed in the 5‘-CpG-3‘ Sequence by theAcrolein-Derived γ-OH-1,N 2-Propano-2‘-deoxyguanosine DNAAdduct
Acceleration of a Nanomotor: Electronic Control of the Rotary Speed of aLight-Driven Molecular Rotor
Rhodium-Catalyzed Alkyne Hydrothiolation with Aromatic and AliphaticThiols
RNA GG·UU Motif Binds K+ but Not Mg2+
Structural Control of Self-Assembled Nanofibers by Artificial β-Sheet PeptidesComposed of d- or l-Isomer
Disubstituted Imidazolium-2-Carboxylates as Efficient Precursors toN-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes of Rh, Ru, Ir, and Pd
Electrochemistry of Immobilized Particles andDroplets By Fritz Scholz, Uwe Schröder (UniversitätGreifswald, Germany), and Rubin Gulaboski(Universidade do Porto, Portugal). Springer: Berlin,Heidelberg, New York. 2005. xiv + 290 pp. $129.00.ISBN 3-540-22005-4.
Handbook of Hydroxyacetophenones: Preparationand Physical Properties. Enlarged Second Edition,Volumes 1−2 By Robert Martin (Institut Curie, Paris,France). Springer: Dordrecht. 2005. xiv + 554 pp(Volume 1) and xvi + 556 pp (Volume 2). $650.00(Set). ISBN 1-4020-2290-5 (Set).
Supramolecular Oxidation of Anilines Using Hydrogen Peroxide asStoichiometric Oxidant
Generalized Anomeric Interpretation of the “High-Energy”N−P Bond in N-Methyl-N‘-phosphorylguanidine: Importanceof Reinforcing Stereoelectronic Effects in “High-Energy”Phosphoester Bonds
A Polydiacetylene-Based Fluorescent Sensor Chip
Catalytic Enantioselective Aza-Henry Reaction with Broad Substrate Scope
Mass Spectrometry Assisted Assignment of NMR Resonances in Reductively13C-Methylated Proteins
Advanced Biomaterials for Medical Applications Edited by David W. Thomas (Cardiff University, UK).Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht. 2004. xii +200 pp. $88.00. ISBN 1-4020-2906-3.
The High-Valent Iron−Oxo Species of Polyoxometalate, if ItCan Be Made, Will Be a Highly Potent Catalyst for C−HHydroxylation and Double-Bond Epoxidation
The Ferrous Verdoheme−Heme Oxygenase Complex is Six-Coordinate andLow-Spin
Living Ring-Opening Polymerization of N-Sulfonylaziridines: Synthesis ofHigh Molecular Weight Linear Polyamines
Fully Stereocontrolled Total Syntheses of the ProstacyclinAnalogues 16S-Iloprost and 16S-3-Oxa-Iloprost by a CommonRoute, Using Alkenylcopper-Azoalkene Conjugate Addition,Asymmetric Olefination, and Allylic Alkylation
Oxygen- and Temperature-Dependent Kinetic Isotope Effectsin Choline Oxidase: Correlating Reversible Hydride Transferwith Environmentally Enhanced Tunneling
Hybrids of the Hemiasterlin Analogue Taltobulin and theDolastatins Are Potent Antimicrotubule Agents
Fesulphos-Palladium(II) Complexes as Well-Defined Catalystsfor Enantioselective Ring Opening of Meso HeterobicyclicAlkenes with Organozinc Reagents
Programming the Internal Structure and Stability of HelicalPores Self-Assembled from Dendritic Dipeptides via theProtective Groups of the Peptide
Unique Layered Double Hydroxide Morphologies UsingReverse Microemulsion Synthesis
Self-Assembly of DNA Double-Double Crossover Complexes intoHigh-Density, Doubly Connected, Planar Structures
Competition between Glutathione and Guanine for aRuthenium(II) Arene Anticancer Complex: Detection of aSulfenato Intermediate
Combinatorial Biomimetics. Optimization of a Composition of Copper(II)Poly-l-Histidine Complex as an Electrocatalyst for O2 Reduction by ScanningElectrochemical Microscopy
Measuring Site-Specific Cluster−Surface Bond Formation
Cellular Logic with Orthogonal Ribosomes
Self-Assembling a Molecular Pegboard
Spectroscopic Characterization of Hydroxide and AquaComplexes of Fe(II)-Protoheme, Structural Models for theAxial Coordination of the Atypical Heme of MembraneCytochrome b6f Complexes
Pore Formation Coupled to Ion Transport through Lipid Membranes asInduced by Transmembrane Ionic Charge Imbalance: Atomistic MolecularDynamics Study
Spin Density and Coenzyme M Coordination Geometry of theox1 Form of Methyl-Coenzyme M Reductase: A Pulse EPRStudy
Properties of a Mixed-Valence (FeII)2(FeIII)2 Square Cell forUtilization in the Quantum Cellular Automata Paradigm forMolecular Electronics
Organic Syntheses on an Icosahedral Borane Surface: Closomer Structures with Twelvefold Functionality
Oligomeric Cholates: Amphiphilic Foldamers withNanometer-Sized Hydrophilic Cavities
A Propeller-like Uranyl Metallomesogen
Bright Fluorescent Nanodiamonds: No Photobleaching and Low Cytotoxicity
Simultaneous, Segregated Storage of Two Agents in a MulticompartmentMicelle
Mechanisms in Homogeneous Catalysis: ASpectroscopic Approach Edited by Brian Heaton(University of Liverpool). Wiley-VCH GmbH & Co.KGaA: Weiheim. 2005. xvi + 388 pp. $180.00. ISBN3-527-31025-8
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