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Simulating FRET from Tryptophan: Is the Rotamer ModelCorrect?
Does Urea Denature Hydrophobic Interactions?
Quantitative Measurement of Molecular Diffusion Coefficients by NMRSpectroscopy
Reversible Redox Behavior between Stannole Dianion andBistannole-1,2-Dianion
Synthesis of an Anionically Chargeable, High-Molar-Mass,Second-Generation Dendronized Polymer and the Observationof Branching by Scanning Force Microscopy
Probing the Transition State Ensemble of a Protein FoldingReaction by Pressure-Dependent NMR Relaxation Dispersion
Evolution of a Total Synthesis of (−)-Kendomycin Exploiting aPetasis−Ferrier Rearrangement/Ring-Closing OlefinMetathesis Strategy
Gyroscope-like Molecules Consisting of PdX2/PtX2 Rotators Encased inThree-Spoke Stators: Synthesis via Alkene Metathesis, and FacileSubstitution and Demetalation
Palladium-Catalyzed Intermolecular α-Arylation of Zinc AmideEnolates under Mild Conditions
Insulin Capture by an Insulin-Linked Polymorphic RegionG-Quadruplex DNA Oligonucleotide
Microbead Chemical Switches: An Approach to Detection ofReactive Organophosphate Chemical Warfare Agent Vapors
Transition States for Glucopyranose Interconversion
Resolving Electron Transfer Kinetics at the Nanocrystal/Solution Interface
Enantioselective Total Synthesis of Bistramide A
A Photo-Hydrogen-Evolving Molecular Device Driving Visible-Light-InducedEDTA-Reduction of Water into Molecular Hydrogen
ENDOR of NO-Ligated Cytochrome c‘
Highly Enantioselective Addition of Me2Zn to Aldehydes Catalyzed byClCr(Salen)
Selective Interaction of Large or Charge-Transfer AromaticMolecules with Metallic Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes: Critical Role of the Molecular Size and Orientation
Communicating Chemical Congregation: A Molecular AND Logic Gate withThree Chemical Inputs as a “Lab-on-a-Molecule” Prototype
Enantioselective Synthesis of Cyclic Enol Ethers andAll-Carbon Quaternary Stereogenic Centers Through CatalyticAsymmetric Ring-Closing Metathesis
Fluorescent Signal Amplification of Carbocyanine Dyes UsingEngineered Viral Nanoparticles
Mechanism of AlIII-Catalyzed Transamidation of UnactivatedSecondary Carboxamides
A Gold Nanoparticle Based Approach for Screening Triplex DNA Binders
The 5-Deoxy-5-methylthio-xylofuranose Residue inMycobacterial Lipoarabinomannan. Absolute Stereochemistry,Linkage Position, Conformation, and ImmunomodulatoryActivity
Solution Synthesis of Germanium Nanowires Using a Ge2+Alkoxide Precursor
Role of Topology, Nonadditivity, and Water-MediatedInteractions in Predicting the Structures of α/β Proteins
Triple-Ion Interactions for the Construction of SupramolecularCapsules
Amphiphilic Gold Nanoparticles with V-Shaped Arms
Solution NMR Spectroscopy of the Human Vasopressin V2 Receptor, A G Protein-Coupled Receptor [J. Am. Chem. Soc.2005, 127, 8010−8011].
Organocatalytic Direct Michael Reaction of Ketones and Aldehydes withβ-Nitrostyrene in Brine
Room Temperature Palladium-Catalyzed 2-Arylation of Indoles
Fine Tuning of the Rotary Motion by Structural Modification inLight-Driven Unidirectional Molecular Motors
Direct Nucleophilic Acylation of Nitroalkenes Promoted by a Fluoride Anion/Thiourea Combination
Analysis of Human Telomerase Activity and Function by TwoColor Single Molecule Coincidence FluorescenceSpectroscopy
Probing Methyl Dynamics from 13C Autocorrelated andCross-Correlated Relaxation
Sequential Rearrangement of 1,2,4Z,7-Tetraenes Involving [1,5]-HydrogenMigration and Electrocyclization: An Efficient Synthesis of Eight-MemberedCyclic Compounds
Changing the Ligation of the Distal [4Fe4S] Cluster in NiFeHydrogenase Impairs Inter- and Intramolecular ElectronTransfers
Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivity of 13-Vertex Carboranesand 14-Vertex Metallacarboranes
Spectroscopic Studies of the Corrinoid/Iron−Sulfur Proteinfrom Moorella thermoacetica
Aluminacyclopropene: Syntheses, Characterization, andReactivity toward Terminal Alkynes
Preparation of Highly Dispersed Core/Shell-type Titania NanocapsulesContaining a Single Ag Nanoparticle
The syn-Oriented 2-OH Provides a Favorable Proton Transfer Geometry in1,2-Diol Monoester Aminolysis: Implications for the Ribosome Mechanism
Micelle Directed Synthesis of Polyoxometalate Nanoparticles and TheirImproved Catalytic Activity for the Aerobic Oxidation of Sulfides
Dynamics of Low Temperature Induced Water Shedding fromAOT Reverse Micelles
Complexation, Structure, and Superoxide Dismutase Activity of theImidazolate-Bridged Dinuclear Copper Moiety with β-Cyclodextrin and ItsGuanidinium-Containing Derivative
A Biohybrid Dynamic Random Access Memory
A New Photostable Terrylene Diimide Dye for Applications inSingle Molecule Studies and Membrane Labeling
Synthesis of Indoles via 6π-Electrocyclic Ring Closures of Trienecarbamates
51V Solid-State Magic Angle Spinning NMR Spectroscopy ofVanadium Chloroperoxidase
A Non-Steroidal Facial Amphiphile
The Structure of Liquid Tetrahydrofuran
Distributions of Conduction Electrons as Manifested in MAS NMR of GalliumNitride
Aryl Transfer between Pd(II) Centers or Pd(IV) Intermediatesin Pd-Catalyzed Domino Reactions
Metal Supported on Dendronized Magnetic Nanoparticles: Highly Selective Hydroformylation Catalysts
Electronic and Molecular Structure of Photoexcited[RuII(bpy)3]2+ Probed by Picosecond X-ray AbsorptionSpectroscopy
Gate-Planarized Low-Operating Voltage Organic Field-Effect TransistorsEnabled by Hot Polymer Pressing/Embedding of Conducting Metal Lines
Synthesis and Biochemical Evaluation of PhosphonoformateOligodeoxyribonucleotides
A Mixed-Valent Ruthenium−Oxo Oxalato Cluster Na7[Ru4(μ3-O)4(C2O4)6] withPotent Anti-HIV Activities
Experimental Investigation of Particle-Assisted Wetting
Crystal Structures of Salinosporamide A (NPI-0052) and B(NPI-0047) in Complex with the 20S Proteasome RevealImportant Consequences of β-Lactone Ring Opening and aMechanism for Irreversible Binding
Theoretical Study on Tertiary Structural Elements ofβ-peptides: Nanotubes Formed from Parallel-Sheet-DerivedAssemblies of β-Peptides
Molecular Self-Assembly at Bare Semiconductor Surfaces: Preparation and Characterization of Highly OrganizedOctadecanethiolate Monolayers on GaAs(001)
Characterization of the Terminal Iron(IV) Imides {[PhBPtBu2(pz‘)]FeIV⋮NAd}+
Correlation between HOMO Alignment and Contact Resistance in MolecularJunctions: Aromatic Thiols versus Aromatic Isocyanides
Capture of Phosphorus(I) and Arsenic(I) Moieties bya 1,2-Bis(arylimino)acenaphthene (Aryl-BIAN) Ligand.A Case of Intramolecular Charge Transfer [J. Am.Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 2800−2801].
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