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Quantitative Synthesis of Star-Shaped Poly(vinyl ether)s witha Narrow Molecular Weight Distribution by Living CationicPolymerization
Conformationally Gated Photoinduced Processes withinPhotosensitizerAcceptor Dyads Based on Osmium(II)Complexes with Triarylpyridinio-Functionalized TerpyridylLigands: Insights from Experimental Study
Highly Selective C−H Functionalization/Halogenation of Acetanilide
Cyanoesterification of 1,2-Dienes: Synthesis and Transformations of HighlyFunctionalized α-Cyanomethylacrylate Esters
Palladium-Catalyzed Insertion of Isocyanides into P(O)−H Bonds: SelectiveFormation of Phosphinoyl Imines and Bisphosphinoylaminomethanes
Three-Component Coupling of Benzyne: Domino IntermolecularCarbopalladation
Unified Total Synthesis of Pteriatoxins and Their Diastereomers
Mechanistic Implications of Pseudo Zero Order Kinetics in KineticResolutions
Coexistence of Liquid and Solid Phases of Bmim-PF6 Ionic Liquid on MicaSurfaces at Room Temperature
Asymmetric Michael Addition of Nitroalkanes to Nitroalkenes Catalyzed byC2-Symmetric Tridentate Bis(oxazoline) and Bis(thiazoline) Zinc Complexes
Chemical Engineering of the Single-Walled CarbonNanotube−Nylon 6 Interface
Relative Strength of Cation-π vs Salt-Bridge Interactions: The Gtα(340−350) Peptide/Rhodopsin System
Enantioselective Total Synthesis of (+)- and (−)-Nigellamine A2
Frontiers in Crystal Engineering Edited by EdwardR. T. Tiekink (The University of Texas at San Antonio)and Jagadese J. Vittal (National University ofSingapore). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester. 2006.xiv + 332 pp. $195.00. ISBN 0-470-02258-2.
Formylation Domain: An Essential Modifying Enzyme for the NonribosomalBiosynthesis of Linear Gramicidin
Highly Efficient Atom Transfer Radical Addition Reactions with a RuIIIComplex as a Catalyst Precursor
A Generalized Two-Point H-Bonding Model for CatalyticStereoselective Hydrogenation of Activated Ketones onChirally Modified Platinum
β-Turn Modified Gramicidin S Analogues Containing ArylatedSugar Amino Acids Display Antimicrobial and HemolyticActivity Comparable to the Natural Product
Ultrafast Excited-State Dynamics of DNA FluorescentIntercalators: New Insight into the FluorescenceEnhancement Mechanism
Superconductivity in Complex Systems. Structureand Bonding, 114 Edited by K. Alex Müller(Physik-Institut der Universität Zürich) and AnnetteBussmann-Holder (Max-Planck-Institut fürFestkörperforschung, Stuttgart). Series Edited by D. M.P. Mingos. Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.2005. xii + 394 pp. $339. ISBN 3-540-23123-2.
Highly Selective Cobalt-Catalyzed Hydrovinylation of Styrene
How Nitrogenase Shakes − Initial Information aboutP−Cluster and FeMo-cofactor Normal Modes from NuclearResonance Vibrational Spectroscopy (NRVS)
Carboxylic Solvents and O-Donor Ligand Effects on CH Activation by Pt(II)
Redox Control within Single-Site Polymerization Catalysts
Catalytic Enantioselective Allylation of Ketoimines
Rapid and Reversible Reactions of [NiFe]-Hydrogenases with Sulfide
Synthesis of Colloidal Upconverting NaYF4 Nanocrystals Doped with Er3+,Yb3+ and Tm3+, Yb3+ via Thermal Decomposition of LanthanideTrifluoroacetate Precursors
Local Diffusion in Paramagnetic Solutions by NMR Relaxometry at OneFrequency
Organocatalytic Enantioselective Synthesis of α-Hydroxy Phosphonates
Direct Use of Unassigned Resonances in NMR StructureCalculations with Proxy Residues
Kinetics of RNA Refolding in Dynamic Equilibrium by1H-Detected 15N Exchange NMR Spectroscopy
XeCu Covalent Bonding in XeCuF and XeCuCl, Characterizedby Fourier Transform Microwave Spectroscopy Supported byQuantum Chemical Calculations
High Fidelity Self-Sorting Assembling ofmeso-Cinchomeronimide Appended meso-meso Linked Zn(II)Diporphyrins
Superoxide Anion is the Intermediate in the Oxygen Reduction Reaction onPlatinum Electrodes
Palladium-Catalyzed Ring Enlargement of Aryl-SubstitutedMethylenecyclopropanes to Cyclobutenes
Photochemical Isomerization of N-Heterocyclic Carbene Ruthenium HydrideComplexes: In situ Photolysis, Parahydrogen, and Computational Studies
Dioxygen Activation at Non-Heme Diiron Centers: Characterization ofIntermediates in a Mutant Form of Toluene/o-Xylene MonooxygenaseHydroxylase
cis,cis-[(bpy)2RuVO]2O4+ Catalyzes Water Oxidation Formallyvia in Situ Generation of Radicaloid RuIV−O•
The Peptide Formation Mediated by Cyanate Revisited. N-Carboxyanhydridesas Accessible Intermediates in the Decomposition of N-CarbamoylaminoAcids
Nickel Superoxide Dismutase Reaction Mechanism Studied byHybrid Density Functional Methods
Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticles Stabilized by Metal−Carbon Bonds
Supramolecular Binding of Cationic Porphyrins on a FilamentousBacteriophage Template: Toward a Noncovalent Antenna System
Quenching of the Electrochemiluminescence ofTris(2,2‘-bipyridine)ruthenium(II) by Ferrocene and ItsPotential Application to Quantitative DNA Detection
High-Resolution NMR Spectroscopy of a GPCR in Aligned Bicelles
Studies Related to the Relative Thermodynamic Stability of C-TerminalPeptidyl Esters of O-Hydroxy Thiophenol: Emergence of a Doable Strategyfor Non-Cysteine Ligation Applicable to the Chemical Synthesis ofGlycopeptides
The Simplest Binary Fluorocarbon as a Ligand. Synthetic, Spectroscopic,Crystallographic, and Computational Studies of a Molybdenum Complex ofTerminally Ligated Carbon Monofluoride (Fluoromethylidyne)
Self-Assembled π-Nanotapes as Donor Scaffolds for Selectiveand Thermally Gated Fluorescence Resonance EnergyTransfer (FRET)
Switching of Macromolecular Helicity of Optically ActivePoly(phenylacetylene)s Bearing Cyclodextrin PendantsInduced by Various External Stimuli
Reversible Thermal and Photochemical Switching of LiquidCrystalline Phases and Luminescence inDiphenylbutadiene-Based Mesogenic Dimers
Structure-Directing Role of Amines in the Ionothermal Synthesis
Synthesis of Aromatic Ketones by a Transition Metal-Catalyzed TandemSequence
Lariatins, Antimycobacterial Peptides Produced byRhodococcus sp. K01−B0171, Have a Lasso Structure
Dendron-Tethered and Templated CdS Quantum Dots onSingle-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Insights on Charge Transfer Doping and Intrinsic PhononLine Shape of Carbon Nanotubes by Simple PolymerAdsorption
Conformational Changes during Apoplastocyanin FoldingObserved by Photocleavable Modification and TransientGrating
Dynamic Effects on the Periselectivity, Rate, Isotope Effects,and Mechanism of Cycloadditions of Ketenes withCyclopentadiene
Chemically Controlled Self-Assembly of Protein Nanorings
Defect-Free Nanoporous Thin Films from ABC TriblockCopolymers
Conformational Stabilization of an Engineered Binding Protein
Electrostatic-Gated Transport in Chemically Modified GlassNanopore Electrodes
Alkali-Metal-Mediated Zincation of Anisole: Synthesis and Structures ofThree Instructive Ortho-Zincated Complexes
Catalytic Asymmetric Assembly of Stereodefined Propionate Units: AnEnantioselective Total Synthesis of (−)-Pironetin
Frontiers in Chemical Sensors: Novel Principlesand Techniques. Springer Series on ChemicalSensors and Biosensors, 03 Edited by GuillermoOrellana and Maria C. Moreno-Bondi (UniversidadComplutense, Madrid, Spain). Series Edited by O. S.Wolfbeis. Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 2005.xii + 370 pp. $199.00. ISBN 3-540-27756-0.
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