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Computational Design of a Single Amino Acid Sequence thatCan Switch between Two Distinct Protein Folds
A Localized Specific Interaction Alters the UnfoldingPathways of Structural Homologues
Coordination Bond Formation at Charge-Transfer Phase Transition in(BDTA)2[Co(mnt)2]
A Fluoroacetamidine-Based Inactivator of Protein Arginine Deiminase 4: Design, Synthesis, and in Vitro and in Vivo Evaluation
Proton Abstraction Mechanism for the Palladium-Catalyzed IntramolecularArylation
Ultrafast Excited-State Electron Transfer at an Organic Liquid/AqueousInterface
Guest Exchange Dynamics in an M4L6 Tetrahedral Host
Experimental and Theoretical Evidence for the Formation of Zinc Tricarbonyl in Solid Argon [J. Am. Chem.Soc.2005, 127, 8906−8907].
Organogermanium Reactive Intermediates. The DirectDetection and Characterization of Transient Germylenes and Digermenes in Solution [J. Am. Chem.Soc.2004, 126, 16105−16116].
Thermal and UV Shape Shifting of Surface Topography
Ladder Polyether Synthesis via Epoxide-Opening Cascades Using aDisappearing Directing Group
Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, Volume 56,2005 Edited by Stephen R. Leone, Paul Alivisatos(University of California, Berkeley), and Ann E.McDermott (Columbia University). Annual Reviews: Palo Alto, CA. 2005. xiv + 640 pp. $82.00. ISBN0-8243-1056-X.
Competition between Metal-Amido and Metal-ImidoChemistries in the Alkaline Earth Series: An Experimentaland Theoretical Study of BaNH
Aminoglycoside-Induced Reduction in Nucleotide Mobility atthe Ribosomal RNA A-Site as a Potentially Key Determinant ofAntibacterial Activity
Monitoring Lipid Membrane Translocation of Sodium DodecylSulfate by Isothermal Titration Calorimetry
Catalytic Asymmetric Pictet−Spengler Reaction
Micro-Actuators: When Artificial Muscles Made of Nematic Liquid CrystalElastomers Meet Soft Lithography
Bis(allyl)−Ruthenium(IV) Complexes as Highly EfficientCatalysts for the Redox Isomerization of Allylic Alcohols intoCarbonyl Compounds in Organic and Aqueous Media: Scope,Limitations, and Theoretical Analysis of the Mechanism
Total Synthesis of (+)-Cylindramide A
Periodic and High-Temperature Disordered Conformations ofPolytetrafluoroethylene Chains: An ab Initio Modeling
Catalytic Mechanism and Product Specificity of the HistoneLysine Methyltransferase SET7/9: An ab Initio QM/MM-FEStudy with Multiple Initial Structures
Organization of Acenes with a Cruciform Assembly Motif
C−H Activation as a Strategic Reaction: Enantioselective Synthesis of4-Substituted Indoles
Five-Coordinate Aluminum Bromides: Synthesis, Structure,Cation Formation, and Cleavage of Phosphate Ester Bonds
Switchable Surface Properties through the Electrochemical orBiocatalytic Generation of Ag0 Nanoclusters onMonolayer-Functionalized Electrodes
Temperature-Sensitive Micrometer-Thick Layers ofHyaluronan Grafted on Microspheres
Cell-Permeable Near-Infrared Fluorogenic Substratesfor Imaging β-Lactamase Activity [J. Am. Chem. Soc.2005, 127, 4158−4159].
Effect of Silicon Oxidation on Long-Term Cell Selectivity ofCell-Patterned Au/SiO2 Platforms
A Structural Investigation of the N−B Interaction in ano-(N,N-Dialkylaminomethyl)arylboronate System
An Intramolecular Diels−Alder Approach to the Eunicellins: Enantioselective Total Syntheses of Ophirin B andAstrogorgin
An Unprecedented Type of Linear Metallocene with an f-Element
Total Synthesis of Garsubellin A
Enantioselective Syntheses of Georgyone, Arborone, andStructural Relatives. Relevance to the Molecular-LevelUnderstanding of Olfaction
The Neber Route to Substituted Indoles
Resorcinol: Chemistry, Technology andApplications By Raj B. Durairaj (Indspec ChemicalCorporation, Pittsburgh). Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg,New York. 2005. xxvi + 748 pp. $329.00. ISBN3-540-25142-1.
Evaluation of Norcarane as a Probe for Radicals inCytochrome P450- and Soluble Methane Monooxygenase-Catalyzed Hydroxylation Reactions [J. Am.Chem. Soc.2002, 124, 6879−6886].
Helical Conformational Dynamics and Photoisomerism ofAlternating Pyridinedicarboxamide/m-(Phenylazo)azobenzeneOligomers
Enzyme-Triggered Self-Assembly of Peptide Hydrogels via ReversedHydrolysis
An Efficient Catalyst System for the Asymmetric Transfer Hydrogenation ofKetones: Remarkably Broad Substrate Scope
A Stable Neutral Stannaaromatic Compound: Synthesis, Structure andComplexation of a Kinetically Stabilized 2-Stannanaphthalene
NMR Analysis of Aromatic Interactions in Designed Peptideβ-Hairpins
Near 0 eV Electrons Attach to Nucleotides
An Intramolecular G-Quadruplex Structure with Mixed Parallel/AntiparallelG-Strands Formed in the Human BCL-2 Promoter Region in Solution
Synthesis of Tetrasubstituted and Functionalized Enol Ethers by E-SelectiveOlefination of Esters with Ynolates
Suppressing Aggregation in a Large Polycyclic AromaticHydrocarbon
Rapid Synthesis of High-Quality InP Nanocrystals
Metal-Catalysed Reactions of Hydrocarbons ByGeoffrey C. Bond (Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK).Springer: New York. 2005. xxii + 666 pp. $129.00.ISBN 0-387-24141-8.
In Situ Generation of Vinyl Allenes and Its Applications toOne-Pot Assembly of Cyclohexene, Cyclooctadiene,3,7-Nonadienone, and Bicyclo[6.4.0]dodecene Derivatives withPalladium-Catalyzed Multicomponent Reactions
A Three-State Mechanism for DNA Hairpin FoldingCharacterized by Multiparameter Fluorescence FluctuationSpectroscopy
Biomimetic Surface Modifications Based on the Cyanobacterial Iron ChelatorAnachelin
Computational Insights into the Mechanism of RadicalGeneration in B12-Dependent Methylmalonyl-CoA Mutase
Alkaline Phosphatase Mono- and Diesterase Reactions: Comparative Transition State Analysis
Chemo−Regioselectivity in Heterogeneous Catalysis: Competitive Routes for CO and CC Hydrogenations from aTheoretical Approach
Directed Assembly of Carbon Nanotubes at Liquid−Liquid Interfaces: Nanoscale Conveyors for Interfacial Biocatalysis
Kinetic Solvent Effects on Proton and Hydrogen AtomTransfers from Phenols. Similarities and Differences
Selectivity Limitations in the Heterogeneous Epoxidation of Olefins: Branching Reactions of the Oxametallacycle Intermediate in the PartialOxidation of Styrene
Combination of a Modified Scoring Function withTwo-Dimensional Descriptors for Calculation of BindingAffinities of Bulky, Flexible Ligands to Proteins
Compound I of Heme Oxygenase Cannot Hydroxylate Its Heme meso-Carbon
A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study ofCarboxylate Coordination Modes: A Structural Probe
Ultrafast Fluorescence Dynamics of Tryptophan in theProteins Monellin and IIAGlc
Models of the Membrane-Bound Cytochromes: MössbauerSpectra of Crystalline Low-Spin Ferriheme Complexes HavingAxial Ligand Plane Dihedral Angles Ranging from 0° to 90°
Lewis Base Activation of Lewis Acids. Vinylogous Aldol Addition Reactionsof Conjugated N,O-Silyl Ketene Acetals to Aldehydes
Rechargeable Li2O2 Electrode for Lithium Batteries
Optimization of the Molecular Orbital Energies of ConjugatedPolymers for Optical Amplification of Fluorescent Sensors
Nonlinear Optical Properties of Alkalides Li+(calix[4]pyrrole)M-(M = Li, Na, and K): Alkali Anion Atomic Number Dependence
Glutathione-Mediated Delivery and Release Using Monolayer ProtectedNanoparticle Carriers
Tyrosine-Selective Protein Alkylation Using π-Allylpalladium Complexes
Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes Made of Monochirality Graphite Shells
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Effects of Functionalization, Catenation, and Variation of theMetal Oxide and Organic Linking Units on the Low-PressureHydrogen Adsorption Properties of Metal−OrganicFrameworks
Enantiospecific Adsorption of Cysteine at Chiral Kink Sites on Au(110)-(1×2)
Direct Asymmetric anti-Mannich-Type Reactions Catalyzed by a DesignedAmino Acid
Growth Kinetics of Heterostructured GaP−GaAs Nanowires
Enhanced Magnetic Properties of Self-Assembled FePt Nanoparticles withMnO Shell
The Science and Technology of Rubber, 3rd Edition Edited by James E. Mark (The University of Cincinnati),Burak Erman (Koc University, Istanbul), and FrederickR. Eirich (Polytechnic University, Brooklyn). ElsevierAcademic Press: San Diego, CA. 2005. xviii + 744 pp.$125.00. ISBN 0-12-464786-3.
Inorganic Polymeric Nanocomposites and Membranes. Advances in Polymer Science, 179 Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2005. x + 220pp. $209.00. ISBN 3-540-253254.
Block Copolymers in Solution: Fundamentals andApplications By Ian W. Hamley (University ofReading, UK). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.: Chichester.2005. xii + 288 pp. $180.00. ISBN 0-470-01557-8.
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