| - Stable biodegradable nanogels cross-linked with disulfide linkages were prepared by inverseminiemulsion atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP). These nanogels could be used for targeteddrug delivery scaffolds for biomedical applications. The nanogels had a uniformly cross-linked network,which can improve control over the release of encapsulated agents, and the nanogels biodegraded intowater-soluble polymers in the presence of a biocompatible glutathione tripeptide, which is commonly foundin cells. The biodegradation of nanogels can trigger the release of encapsulated molecules includingrhodamine 6G, a fluorescent dye, and Doxorubicin (Dox), an anticancer drug, as well as facilitate the removalof empty vehicles. Results obtained from optical fluorescence microscope images and live/dead cytotoxicityassays of HeLa cancer cells suggested that the released Dox molecules penetrated cell membranes andtherefore could suppress the growth of cancer cells. Further, OH-functionalized nanogels were preparedto demonstrate facile applicability toward bioconjugation with biotin. The number of biotin molecules ineach nanogel was determined to be 142 000, and the formation of bioconjugates of nanogels with avidinwas confirmed using optical fluorescence microscopy.