| - A bovine feeding study was conducted to determine the magnitude of theresidues of cypermethrinand its acid metabolites in milk, cream, kidney, liver, pectoralmuscle, adductor muscle, peritonealfat, and subcutaneous fat following daily oral administration ofcypermethrin for 28 consecutivedays. The dose levels were 5, 15, and 50 ppm (mg/kg) in the diet,which were equivalent to 1, 3,and 10 times the expected maximum intake level in animal feeds. Inaddition, two registered insectrepellent eartags containing cypermethrin were fixed to each animal toestablish the maximumconditions of exposure. The residue results were used to determinethe extent of residue transferfrom animal feeds into bovine milk, meat products, and meat byproducts.The residue decline ratewas also measured during a recovery period following withdrawal of thetest substance. Keywords: Cypermethrin; metabolites; residues; milk/tissues