| - The effect of pH, buffer solution, buffer concentration, pectinconcentration, and heating on theviscosity of sunflower pectin was studied. The sunflower pectin inall buffers and at all bufferconcentrations had the highest viscosities at pH 3. Generally, theviscosity increased with theincrease of pectin concentration. The effect of bufferconcentration on viscosity was dependent uponthe pH, pectin concentration, and heating. Sunflower pectin insodium citrate buffer had a higherviscosity than pectin in other buffers. The effect of heating onviscosity was dependent upon thepH of the buffer. Gelling heat reversibility of the isolatedsunflower pectin was determined andcompared with that of two commercial citrus pectins. Jellies ofsunflower pectin had good heatreversibility over a wide range of pH values (2.5−5.4). Theseresults indicated that sunflower pectinhas a high potential for producing low-calorie jellies. Keywords: Sunflower pectin; viscosity; gelling