| - The starch content of black beans and cowpeas was assessed enzymaticallyin freshly cooked aswell as in cooked, stored, and reheated samples. The availablestarch contents of the variouslytreated seeds were greater in cowpeas (32−33%, dmb) than in blackbeans (25−28%, dmb). Allsamples exhibited relatively high levels of retrograded resistantstarch (RS) (8−20%, total starchbasis), although beans showed higher contents of this fraction. Nomajor difference in RS formationwas observed between conventional and microwave reheating. Totalstarch was slightly decreasedin stored/reheated black beans compared to that in the freshly cookedseeds. In vitro enzymichydrolysis indices (HI) and corresponding predicted glycemic indices(pGI) of cowpea samples were2-fold greater than those registered for beans. Reheating, andparticularly microwaving, increasedthe amylolysis course parameters of black beans without altering theenzymic availability of cowpeastarch. Keywords: Black beans; cooking; cowpeas; glycemic response; resistantstarch; starch digestibility;storage