| - The individual glycoalkaloid contents of tubers from eleven Solanum phureja genotypes have beendetermined prior to and following exposure to light. In all genotypes, light exposure resulted in astatistically significant increase in total glycoalkaloid content. In nine of the genotypes studied,this was not only due to an increase in the levels of the solanidine-based glycoalkaloids, α-solanineand α-chaconine, but also due to the light-induced synthesis of a tomatidenol-based glycoalkaloid,α-solamarine. Those genotypes that accumulated α-solamarine in their tubers also containedtomatidenol-based glycoalkaloids in their leaves, but only solanidine-based glycoalkaloids weredetected in the sprouts. Keywords: Glycoalkaloids; α-solanine; α-chaconine; α-solamarine; light; tubers; leaves; sprouts