| - The contents of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the smoke from model lipids and foodlipids during heating were determined and the mechanism of PAH formation was studied. ARancimat oil stability analyzer was used as a model system for heating model lipids and food lipidsat 220 °C for 2 h and for adsorption of smoke. The various lipid degradation products and PAHs inthe smoke were identified and quantified by a GC/MS technique. Results showed that model lipidswere more susceptible to smoke formation than food lipids during heating, but the PAH levels werelower for the former than latter. Methyl linolenate produced the highest amount of PAHs, followedby methyl linoleate, methyl oleate, and methyl stearate. Also, soybean oil generated a larger amountof PAHs than canola oil or sunflower oil. Benzene-like compounds were found to be possibleprecursors for PAHs formation. Several PAH derivatives were also present in heated model lipidsand food lipids. Keywords: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon; smoke; GC-MS; lipids