Many byproducts and wastes generated by agroindustries contain polyphenols with potentialapplication as food antioxidants and preventive agents against skin cancer and other diseases. Theperformance of polyphenolic fractions from Parellada grape (Vitis vinifera) pomace as antioxidantsin different physicochemical environments was tested. Fractions containing oligomers with meandegree of polymerization between 3 and 4 and percentage galloylation ca. 30% were the most potentfree radical scavengers and efficient antioxidants in an oil-in-water emulsion. A fraction includingglycosylated flavonols was also efficient in the emulsion. All the fractions showed low aquatic toxicityand weak influence on proliferation of human melanoma cells. Keywords: Vitis vinifera; polyphenols; procyanidins; catechins; flavonols; antioxidants; free radicalscavenging activity; emulsions; ecotoxicity; cell proliferation