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| - Matching Avrami Indices Achieves Similar Hardnesses inPalm Oil-Based Fats
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| - This study demonstrates how chemically interesterified hydrogenated palm oil (IHPO) and partiallyhydrogenated palm oil (PHPO) can be structured to have similar mechanical properties. Crystallizationof IHPO at 30 °C for 24 h yielded a fat with a solid fat content (SFC) of 45% and a yield force of 51.5N. On the other hand, PHPO had a SFC of 50% and a yield force of 44 N when crystallized underthe same conditions. The result was opposite from what would be expected from the SFC point ofview, thus suggesting that the microstructure of the fat plays a key role in determining mechanicalproperties. By matching crystallization behavior using the Avrami index as a guide, microstructuresand material hardness were successfully matched. These results suggest that the dynamics ofstructure formation was a key factor influencing the macroscopic mechanical properties of palm oil-based fats. Keywords: Crystallization; fat; fractal dimension; yield force; elastic constant; rheology; microstructure;polarized light microscopy
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