| - Methylxanthines were quantified in coffee, tea, and chocolate products. Tarajuilie tea from India,cocoa powder, and cocoa nibs contained the highest levels of methylxanthines. Theobromine, caffeine,and theophylline combined in the ratios observed in tea and chocolate were ingested by coyotes.Although both mixtures induced acute toxicity, the symptoms accompanying the chocolate methylxanthine mimic were preferable. Manipulation of the ratios of methylxanthines in the chocolate mimicled to the identification of a 5:1 theobromine/caffeine mixture as a promising coyote toxicant. Thismixture was then administered to coyotes using the coyote lure operative device (CLOD). Mortalityoccurred in every coyote that ingested any portion of the CLOD contents. These results indicate thatmixtures of theobromine and caffeine have the potential to be developed into a selective, effective,and socially acceptable toxicant for the control of pest coyotes. Keywords: Methylxanthine; theobromine; caffeine; CLOD; coyote toxicant