| - The antioxidant activity of pure compounds, foods, and dietary supplements has been extensivelystudied with the development of many new antioxidant and antioxidant activity assays in recent years.However, these assays, such as total phenolics, total flavonoids, and total antioxidant activity in vitro,do not reflect the cellular physiological conditions and do not consider the bioavailability andmetabolism issues. In addition, the mechanisms of action of antioxidants go beyond the antioxidantactivity scavenging free radicals in disease prevention and health promotion. Animal models andhuman studies are expensive and not suitable for initial antioxidant screening of foods and dietarysupplements. Therefore, there is a need for cell culture models to access the bioactivity of antioxidants.This paper is an overview of cell culture models for antioxidant research, as reported at the FirstInternational Congress on Antioxidant Methods, held in Orlando, FL, June 16−18, 2004, and outlinespotential cell culture models for initial antioxidant screening and antioxidant research. Keywords: Antioxidants; foods; antioxidant activity; cancer; cardiovascular disease; cell culture models