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Densities, molar volumes, and thermal expansivities of 1-methyl-3-ethylimidazolium chloride + aluminum chloride + alkali-metal halide molten salts
Isothermal vapor-liquid equilibrium data for ether + glycol, chloroalkene + glycol, epoxy ether + alkane, epoxy ether + alkene, and epoxy ether + chloroalkane systems
Conductivities and ionic association of copper(II) and manganese(II) sulfates in ethanol + water at 298.15 K
Solubility of toluene in aqueous solutions of sodium butyl monoglycol sulfate in the presence of various alcohols
Bubble point measurements of the system butane + octylbenzene in the temperature range 290-450 K
Bubble curves and saturated liquid molar volumes for chlorofluorohydrocarbon-hydrocarbon mixtures. Experimental data and modeling
Densities of aqueous solutions of sodium bisulfite and sodium 2-methylallyl sulfate
Viscosity and density of aqueous solutions of lithium bromide, lithium chloride, zinc bromide, calcium chloride and lithium nitrate. 1. Single salt solutions
Isobaric vapor-liquid equilibrium of the systems cumeme + benzyl alcohol and phenol + benzyl alcohol at 10 kPa
Excess volumes of tetralin + cyclohexane, + hexane, or + 1-hexanol at 298.15 and 308.15 K
Hydrate equilibrium conditions in aqueous electrolyte solutions: mixtures of methane and carbon dioxide
Isobaric vapor-liquid equilibria of ethylbenzene + m-xylene and ethylbenzene + o-xylene systems at 6.66 and 26.66 kPa
Composition and density of saturated solutions of lithium sulfate + water + ethanol
Multiphase equilibrium behavior of the mixture carbon dioxide + ethane + methanol
Solubility of anthracene in binary alkane + 2-butanol solvent mixtures
VE of binary mixtures containing 3-pentanone or 3-heptanone with 1-chloroalkanes at 298.15 K
Solid-liquid phase diagram of the binary system benzil + 2,2-dimethoxy-1,2-diphenylethanone
Temperature dependence of the volumetric properties of binary mixtures containing alcohols (1-propanol, 1-pentanol, 1-heptanol) + heptane
Composition characterization of methanesulfonic acid
Phase equilibrium behavior of the carbon dioxide + benzophenone binary system
Vapor-liquid equilibria for the methanol-benzene and methanol-thiophene systems
Isobaric vapor-liquid equilibria of p-xylene + o-xylene and m-xylene + o-xylene systems at 6.66 and 26.66 kPa
Excess molar volumes of binary mixtures containing dimethyl carbonate + linear and cyclic ethers
Solubilities of magnesium sulfite hydrates
Densities, refractive indexes, and excess molar volumes of water + methanol + hexyl acetate and its binary sub-mixtures at 298.15 K
Densities and excess molar volumes of dimethyl carbonate + six methyl n-alkyl ketones at 298.15 K and atmospheric pressure
Solubility of anthracene in binary tert-butylcyclohexane + alcohol and tert-butylcyclohexane + 2,2,4-trimethylpentane solvent mixtures
Excess volumes of ternary mixtures of N,N-dimethylformamide + methyl ethyl ketone + 1-alkanols at 303.15 K
Solid solubilities of methoxyphenylacetic acid isomer compounds in supercritical carbon dioxide
Liquid-liquid equilibria in some binary and ternary mixtures with tetraethylene glycol
Surface tension of aqueous lithium bromide + 2-ethyl-1-hexanol
Isothermal vapor-liquid equilibria for the water-1,3,5-trioxane system
Diffusion coefficients of actinide and lanthanide ions in molten dilithium tetrafluoroberyllate
Speed of sound and isentropic compressibilities of ternary mixtures containing p-chlorotoluene, hexane, and 1-alkanols at 303.15 K
Thermodynamics of ionization of monofluoro- and difluorophosphoric acids
Conductometric study on sodium perchlorate and sodium benzoate in binary mixtures of 1-propanol + water at 298.15 K
Viscosities of solutions of interest for studies of absorption processes
Viscosity of triglycerides + alcohols from 278 to 313 K
Vapor-liquid equilibria of coal-derived liquids. 3. Binary systems with tetralin at 200 mm mercury
Aqueous solubility of chloroguaiacols
Interdiffusion coefficients, densities, and refractive indices of ammonium chloride + water and ammonium sulfate + water at
Liquid-liquid equilibria for water + ethanol + 2-methylpropyl ethanoate and water + ethanol + 1,2-dibromoethane at 298.15 K
Two-phase and three-phase liquid-liquid equilibrium for bis(2-methylpropyl) ether + phosphoric acid + water
Thermodynamics of formation of aqueous monofluoro-, difluoro-, and amidofluorophosphoric acids
Liquid-liquid equilibrium of aqueous mixtures of poly(propylene glycol) with sodium chloride
Solubility of helium in methanol + water, ethanol + water, 1-propanol + water, and 2-propanol + water solutions at 25 .degree.C
Viscosity and density of aqueous solutions of lithium bromide, lithium chloride, zinc bromide, calcium chloride and lithium nitrate. 2. Two-salt solutions
Electrolytic conductivity of aqueous solutions of potassium and sodium phosphates to 325 .degree.C
Pressure-volume-temperature properties of aqueous mixed electrolyte solutions: sodium chloride + barium chloride from 25 to
Thermal conductivity of aqueous sodium chloride solutions
Excess volumes of ternary mixtures containing p-chlorotoluene and octane with 1-alkanols at 303.15 K
Orthobaric liquid densities for octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane, decamethylcyclopentasiloxane, dimethicone 20, and a cyclic poly(dimethylsiloxane)
Liquid-phase adsorption of a benzene + heptane mixture on NaHY zeolites
Alternative refrigerants difluoromethane and pentafluoroethane: critical temperature, refractive index, surface tension, and estimates of liquid, vapor, and critical densities
Solid-liquid phase equilibria of ternary mixtures containing polynuclear aromatic compounds
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