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Orthogonal Array Design for the Optimization of SupercriticalCarbon Dioxide Extraction of Different Metals from a Solid Matrixwith Cyanex 301 as a Ligand
Density, Viscosity, Surface Tension, and Interfacial Tension in theSystems NaF(KF) + AlF3
The Cosolvent Effect on the Transport Parameters of HCl inAqueous + Organic Solvent Mixtures
Isothermal Vapor−Liquid Equilibrium and Excess Enthalpy Datafor the Binary Systems Water + 1,2-Ethanediol and Propene +Acetophenone
Isothermal Vapor−Liquid Equilibrium and Excess Enthalpy Datafor the Binary Systems Propylene Oxide + 2-Methylpentane andDifluoromethane (R32) + Pentafluoroethane (R125)
Isothermal Vapor−Liquid Equilibria of Ethyl Acetate +Dibromomethane or + Bromochloromethane or +1,2-Dichloroethane or +1-Bromo-2-chloroethane at T = 313.15 K
Project Results from the Design Institute forPhysical Properties (DIPPR) of the AmericanInstitute of Chemical Engineers. 7
Liquid−Liquid Equilibria in Binary Mixtures of Water withMalonitrile, Succinonitrile, and Glutaronitrile
Absorption Equilibria of Dilute SO2 in Seawater
Liquid−Liquid Equilibrium of the Aqueous Two-Phase SystemWater + PEG 4000 + Lithium Sulfate at Different Temperatures.Experimental Determination and Correlation
Study of the Phase Equilibrium and Solution Properties of theQuinary System Na+ + K+ + Cl- + CO32- + B4O72- + H2O atT = 298.15 K
Thermodynamic Properties of Dodecane + 1-Butanol and +2-Butanol Systems
IUPAC Solubility Data Project 1973−2001
Critical Properties of Four HFE + HFC Binary Systems: Trifluoromethoxymethane (HFE-143m) + Pentafluoroethane(HFC-125), + 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane (HFC-134a), +1,1,1,2,3,3,3-Heptafluoropropane (HFC-227ea), and +1,1,1,2,3,3-Hexafluoropropane (HFC-236ea)
A Note on the Relationship between Organic Solid Density andLiquid Density at the Triple Point
Solubility of (S)-Boc-Piperazine and Racemic Boc-Piperazine inSupercritical Carbon Dioxide
Vapor Pressures of 1,1,1,3,3-Pentafluoropropane (HFC-245fa) and1,1,1,2,3,3,3-Heptafluoropropane (HFC-227ea)
Temperature and Volume Dependence of theViscosity of Water and Heavy Water at LowTemperatures
Effect of Vinyl Alcohol + Sodium Acrylate Copolymer Gel on theVapor−Liquid Equilibrium Compositions of Ethanol + Water and2-Propanol + Water Systems
High-Pressure Vapor−Liquid Equilibria in the System CarbonDioxide + 1-Butanol at Temperatures from (293.15 to 324.15) K
Vapor Pressures of the 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium Bromide +Water, 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate + Water, and1-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-3-methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate + WaterSystems
Solubilities of Sodium Chloride and Potassium Chloride in Water +Ethanol Mixtures from (298 to 323) K
Solubility of CO2 in (CH3OH + H2O)
Critical Parameters Measurements of Four HFE + HFC BinarySystems: Pentafluoromethoxyethane (HFE-245Mc) +Pentafluoroethane (HFC-125), + 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane(HFC-134a), + 1,1,1,2,3,3,3-Heptafluoropropane (HFC-227ea), and +1,1,1,2,3,3-Hexafluoropropane (HFC-236ea)
Solubility of 1,3,5-Trioxane in Methanol, Ethanol, and 2-Propanol
Liquid−Liquid Equilibria for Monoethylene Glycol + Water +Alkane Systems in the Range (273 to 313) K and AtmosphericPressure
Solubility of Valdecoxib in the Presence of Ethanol and SodiumLauryl Sulfate at (298.15, 303.15, and 308.15) K
Thermochemistry of Benzyl Alcohol: Reaction Equilibria InvolvingBenzyl Alcohol and tert-Alkyl Ethers
Heat Capacities of Hydroxypropyl-α-, -β-, and -γ-Cyclodextrins inDilute Aqueous Solution
Solubilities of Proxetine Hydrochloride Hemihydrate between 286 Kand 363 K
Complexation of Macrocyclic Compounds with Organic Molecules: 1Pyridoxine Hydrochloride in Dimethylsulfoxide.
Speeds of Sound in Dense Liquid and Vapor Pressures for1,1-Difluoroethane
Octanol/Water Partition Coefficient of Selected Herbicides: Determination Using Shake-Flask Method and Reversed-PhaseHigh-Performance Liquid Chromatography
Vapor−Liquid Equilibrium for 1-Propanol + 1-Butene, +cis-2-Butene, + 2-Methyl-propene, + trans-2-Butene, + n-Butane, and+ 2-Methyl-propane
Vapor−Liquid−Liquid Equilibria, Azeotropic, and Excess EnthalpyData for the Binary System n-Undecane + Propionamide andPure-Component Vapor Pressure and Density Data forPropionamide
Critical Properties of the Reacting Mixture in the Esterification ofAcetic Acid with Ethanol
Excess Molar Volumes and Viscosities of Binary Mixtures ofDimethyl Carbonate with Chlorobenzene, Hexane, and Heptanefrom (293.15 to 353.15) K and at Atmospheric Pressure
Density and Viscosity Measurement of n-Butylamine with HexylAlcohol Isomer Binary Systems
Isobaric Vapor−Liquid Equilibria for the Ternary System of2-Methyl-1-butanol, 3-Methyl-1-butanol, and Ethylene Glycol at101.3 kPa
Vapor−Liquid Equilibria of the Carbon Dioxide + Ethyl Propanoateand Carbon Dioxide + Ethyl Acetate Systems at Pressure from 2.96MPa to 11.79 MPa and Temperature from 313 K to 393 K
Excess Molar Volumes and Surface Tensions of Trimethylbenzenewith Tetrahydrofuran Tetrachloromethane and Dimethyl Sulfoxideat 298.15 K
Partial Molar Heat Capacities and Partial Molar Volumes of All ofthe Isomeric (C3 to C5) Alkanols at Infinite Dilution in Water at298.15 K
Diffusion Coefficients for the Binary System Glycerol + Water at 25°C. A Velocity Correlation Study
Densities, Viscosities, and Derived Functions of Binary Mixtures: (Tetraethylene Glycol Dimethyl Ether + Water) from 298.15 K to343.15 K
Solubility of Oxygen in Aqueous Solutions of Fe(III) Complexes oftrans-1,2-Cyclohexanediaminetetraacetic Acid (CDTA) as a Functionof Temperature and Chelate Concentration
Solubility Investigations in the Systems K2B4O7 + Li2B4O7 + H2O andNa2B4O7 + Li2B4O7 + H2O at T = 288 K
Thermal Conductivity of Binary Aqueous NaBr and KBr andTernary H2O + NaBr + KBr Solutions at Temperatures from (294 to577) K and Pressures up to 40 MPa
Solubilities of Bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidinyl) Maleate inHexane, Heptane, Octane, m-Xylene, and Tetrahydrofuran from(253.15 to 310.15) K
Excess Properties and Isobaric Vapor−Liquid Equilibria for BinaryMixtures of Methyl Esters + tert-Butanol
Density, Viscosity, and Thermal Conductivity of Aqueous BenzoicAcid Mixtures between 375 K and 465 K
PVTx Properties in the Gas Phase for Difluoromethane (HFC-32) +Pentafluoroethane (HFC-125)
Volumetric Properties and Viscosities for Aqueous NFM Solutionsfrom 25 °C to 70 °C
Experimental and Predicted Excess Molar Enthalpies of the TernarySystem tert-Butyl Methyl Ether + 1-Pentanol + Decane at 298.15 K
Cloud Points of Poly(l-lactide) in HCFC-22, HFC-23, HFC-32,HFC-125, HFC-143a, HFC-152a, HFC-227ea, Dimethyl Ether (DME),and HCFC-22 + CO2 in the Supercritical State
Isothermal Vapor−Liquid Equilibrium and Excess Enthalpy Datafor the Binary Systems Water + Sulfolane and Methanol +N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone
Effect of Organic Cosolvents on the Solubility of Ionic Liquids inSupercritical CO2
Liquid−Liquid Equilibria for Systems of (Water + Carboxylic Acid +Methylcyclohexanol) at 293.15 K: Modeling Considerations
Thermodynamic Properties of Binary Mixtures of p-Xylene withCyclohexane, Heptane, Octane, and N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone atSeveral Temperatures
Electrical Conductances of Tetrabutylammonium Bromide, SodiumTetraphenylborate, and Sodium Bromide in Acetonitrile (1) +Water (2) Mixtures at (308.15, 313.15, and 318.15)K
Liquid−Liquid Equilibria and Physical Properties of theQuaternary Systems Water + Caprolactam + Ammonium Sulfate +Benzene and Toluene
Vapor−Liquid Equilibrium for Benzene + 2-Methylpentane and AllylAlcohol + 1-Propanol
Vapor−Liquid Equilibria for the Binary Systems ofDimethoxymethane with Some Fuel Oxygenates
Dynamic Viscosities, Densities, and Speed of Sound and DerivedProperties of the Binary Systems Acetic Acid with Water, Methanol,Ethanol, Ethyl Acetate and Methyl Acetate at T = (293.15, 298.15,and 303.15) K at Atmospheric Pressure
Liquid−Liquid Equilibria for the Ternary Systems of (Water +Tetrahydrofuran + Polar Solvent) at 298.15 K
(Liquid + Solid) Phase Equilibria in the Quaternary System Na2CO3+ K2B4O7 + K2CO3 + Na2B4O7 + H2O at 288 K
Excess Molar Volumes and Surface Tensions of1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene and 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene with 1-Butanol,2-Methyl-1-propanol, 2-Butanol, and 2-Methyl-2-propanol at 298.15 K
Critical Temperatures and Pressures of Straight-Chain SaturatedDicarboxylic Acids (C4 to C14)
Solubility of Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate in DifferentSolvents
Solubility of Amorphous Sodium Aluminosilicate and Zeolite ACrystals in Caustic and Nitrate/Nitrite-Rich Caustic AluminateLiquors
VLE and LLE Data for the System Cyclohexane + Cyclohexene +Water + Cyclohexanol
Speed of Sound in Binary Mixtures of Pentafluoroethane and1,1-Difluoroethane from 243.15 K to 333.15 K and Pressures up to 30MPa
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