| - In a database of about 2000 approved drugs, represented by 105 structural conformers, we have performed2D comparisons (Tanimoto coefficients) and 3D superpositions. For one class of drugs the correlation betweenstructural resemblance and similar action was analyzed in detail. In general Tanimoto coefficients and 3Dscores give similar results, but we find that 2D similarity measures neglect important structural/funtionalfeatures. Examples for both over- and underestimation of similarity by 2D metrics are discussed. The requiredadditional effort for 3D superpositions is assessed by implementation of a fast algorithm with a processingtime below 0.01 s and a more sophisticated approach (0.5 s per superposition). According to the improvementof similarity detection compared to 2D screening and the pleasant rapidity on a desktop PC, full-atom 3Dsuperposition will be an upcoming method of choice for library prioritization or similarity screeningapproaches.