| - Three exopolysaccharides, EPS(1), EPS(2), and EPS(3), were isolated from suspension-cultured cells of tomato(Lycopersicon esculentum, var. San Marzano). The partial primary structures were determined on the basis of spectroscopicanalyses. EPS(2) was a heteropolysaccharide with a tetrasaccharide repeating unit constituted by sugars having oneresidue in α-manno, one residue in β-manno, and two different residues in β-gluco/galacto configurations. EPS(3) wasa heteropolysaccharide with a pentasaccharide repeating unit with sugars having three residues in α-manno, one residuein α-gluco/galacto, and one residue in β-gluco/galacto configurations. The anticytotoxic activities of exopolysaccharideswere tested in a brine shrimp bioassay.