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| - Highly Mobile Solvent Holes in Viscous Squalane Solutions As Detected by Quantum Beatsand MARY Spectroscopy Techniques
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| - The quantum beats and magnetic field effect on the reaction yieldspectroscopy techniques were employedto study the formation of diphenyl sulfide radical cations in squalanesolutions under ionizing irradiation. Itis demonstrated that the precursors of diphenyl sulfide radical cationsare short-lived primary solvent radicalcations (holes) with the electron spin resonance spectrum narrowed bythe resonance charge transfer reaction.The rate constant of hole scavenging by diphenyl sulfide moleculeswas measured directly and amounts to6.1 × 109 M-1s-1, exceeding the diffusion-controlled oneseveral times. The obtained value is well in linewith the data on pulse radiolysis of squalane solutions with opticalmonitoring of the highly mobile precursor,supporting the hypothesis about the hole nature of thelatter.
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