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| - Temperature of Multibubble Sonoluminescence in Water
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| - Sonoluminescence (SL) spectra were collected from water doped with several organic liquids at lowconcentrations. Most of the organic substances studied show emission from C2 and an overall decrease in theintensity relative to SL from pure water. This decrease is due to the consumption by the organic substratesof hydroxyl radicals and other incipient emitting species produced during sonolysis. Small concentrations ofcarbon disulfide do not lead to emission from C2 but do cause an increase in SL intensity across the spectralwindow, most likely due to its own fluorescence. Carbon tetrachloride does not change the intensity of watersonoluminescence but does exhibit C2 emission. This indicates that the dissociation of carbon tetrachlorideinside the cavitation bubble is independent of the products of water sonolysis. Benzene shows the strongestC2 emission and was studied in the greatest detail. The emission of excited-state C2 arising from the sonicationof benzene/water mixtures at 20 kHz was used to determine an effective emission temperature during cavitationin water. Interband analysis of the two C2 bands observed during irradiation of water/benzene mixtures at278 K under Ar indicates an emission temperature of 4300 ± 200 K.
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