| - Arcyriarubin A and arcyriaflavin A, two strongly emissive and intensely colored natural products containingboth two indoles and a maleimide unit, are investigated (in the flavin the two indole moieties are coupled bya cyclization). The photophysical properties of these compounds were studied in several solvents using UV−vis absorption, steady-state and time-resolved emission, nano- and femtosecond transient absorptionspectroscopy. Furthermore, the effect of complexation with zinc(II) 1,4,7,11-tetraazacyclododecane on thephotophysical properties of these natural products has been investigated. The chemical structures of thecompounds would suggest a charge transfer (CT) character in the ground and/or excited states, since indoleis a well-known electron donor and maleimide is a good electron acceptor. Their solvatochromic behaviorwas investigated by using the Kamlet−Taft approach and indicates only a small CT character in the excitedstate. This is substantiated by the time-resolved spectroscopy and the complexation study. Molecular orbitalcalculations indicate that there are no electronic transitions in which a large electron density is transferredfrom one indole unit to the maleimide part. All calculated orbitals show a strong delocalization of the electrondensity over the whole molecule. These findings corroborate the experimental results. Whereas the twocompounds do have a substantial (calculated) ground-state dipole moment (6 D) and show some solvatochromicbehavior, they behave more like conjugated aromatic systems than like electron donor−acceptor systems.