| - Photoreactivity of cyanoacetylene with water was successively studied in cryogenic matrixes and in the solidphase at λ > 120 nm. These studies were performed using FTIR spectroscopy, isotopic experiments and DFTcalculations at the B3LYP/6-31G** level of theory. The photolysis of cyanoacetylene complexed with waterin an argon cryogenic matrix led to the formation of two products. The first one corresponds to the cyanoketeneand the second to the HCN:C2O complex. Trapped in water ice and submitted to UV photolysis, thecyanoacetylene molecule shows great photoreactivity. Indeed, besides the cyanoketene and cyanhydric acid,we characterized and identified the formation of other compounds issued from the addition of water to theC⋮C triple bond of cyanoacetylene.