| - The photodissociation of 1,3-dibromopropane has been studied at 234 nm using a 2D photofragment ionvelocity imaging technique coupled with a [2 + 1] resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization scheme. Thevelocity distributions for the Br (2P1/2) (denoted Br*) and Br (2P3/2) (denoted Br) fragments are determined,and each can be fitted by a narrow single-peaked Gaussian curve, suggesting that bromine fragments aregenerated as a result of direct dissociation via repulsive potential energy surfaces. The recoil anisotropieswere measured to be β = 0.80 for Br and 1.31 for Br*, and the product relative quantum yields at 234 nmis Φ234 nm(Br*) = 0.21.