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Structure and Dipole Moments of the Two Distinct Solvated Forms of p-Nitroaniline inAcetonitrile/CCl4 As Studied by Infrared Electroabsorption Spectroscopy
Pathways for Photoinduced Charge Separation and Recombination at Donor−AcceptorHeterojunctions: The Case of Oligophenylenevinylene−Perylene Bisimide Complexes
Photophysics of trans-4-(Dimethylamino)-4‘-cyanostilbene and Its Use as a Solvation Probe
Theoretical Study of Stratospheric Relevant Anions: Nitrate−Nitric Acid Complexes
Photoinduced Oligomerization of Aqueous Pyruvic Acid
Influence of Temperature and Pressure on Shape and Shift of Impurity Optical Bands inPolymer Glasses
Calculating Slow-Motional Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectra from MolecularDynamics Using a Diffusion Operator Approach
Theoretical Study of Free-Radical-Mediated 5-exo-Trig Cyclizations of Chiral 3-SubstitutedHepta-1,6-dienes
Kinetics of NO and NO2 Evolution from Illuminated Frozen Nitrate Solutions
An Intricate Molecule: Aluminum Triiodide. Molecular Structure of AlI3 and Al2I6 fromElectron Diffraction and Computation
Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory Studies of the Photoswitching of theTwo-Photon Absorption Spectra in Stilbene, Metacyclophenadiene, and DiaryletheneChromophores
Shock Tube Pyrolysis of 1,2,4,5-Hexatetraene
Structural and Vibrational Characterization of Tetracyanoethylene−Hexamethylbenzene asa Function of Pressure
Effect of Aza Substitution on the Photophysical and Electrochemical Properties ofPorphycenes: Characterization of the Near-IR-Absorbing Photosensitizers2,7,12,17-Tetrakis(p-substituted phenyl)-3,6,13,16-tetraazaporphycenes
Multicenter Bonding in Carbocations with Tetracoordinate Protons
Gas-Phase Reactivity of the Ti8C12+ Met-car with Triatomic Sulfur-Containing Molecules: CS2, SCO, and SO2
Spectroscopic Investigation of Al2N and Its Anion via Negative Ion PhotoelectronSpectroscopy
Solvent Effect on the Excited-State Dynamics of Analogues of the Photoactive YellowProtein Chromophore
Structure−Activity Relationship of Cyclic Nitroxides as SOD Mimics and Scavengers ofNitrogen Dioxide and Carbonate Radicals
Thermodynamic Functions of Conformational Changes. 2. Conformational Entropy as aMeasure of Information Accumulation
Kinetic Study of the ClOO + NO Reaction Using Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy
Theoretical Studies on the Structures, Thermodynamic Properties, Detonation Properties,and Pyrolysis Mechanisms of Spiro Nitramines
Hydrogen Bonding without Borders: An Atoms-in-Molecules Perspective
Structural and Electronic Properties of Neutral and Ionic GanOn Clusters with n = 4−7
Ion Mobility Spectrometric Investigation of Aromatic Cations in the Gas Phase
Identification and Chemistry of C4H3 and C4H5 Isomers in Fuel-Rich Flames
Structural Control of the Electronic Properties of Photodynamic Azobenzene-Derivatizedπ-Conjugated Oligothiophenes
Relativistic DFT Study on the Reaction Mechanism of Second-Row Transition Metal Ruwith CO2
UV Photodissociation Spectroscopy of Oxidized Undecylenic Acid Films
Solute Dependence of Mobility of Solvent Molecules in Solvophobic Solute Solutions: Dielectric Relaxation of Nonpolar Solute/Alcohol Mixtures
Effect of Water Density on Methanol Oxidation Kinetics in Supercritical Water
Measurement and Estimation of Rate Constants for the Reactions of Hydroxyl Radical withSeveral Alkanes and Cycloalkanes
Applicability of the Hindered Rotor Scheme to the Puckering Mode in Four-MemberedRings
Polar Solvation and Solvation Dynamics in Supercritical CHF3: Results from Experimentand Simulation
Acid−Base Equilibria in 5,10,15,20-Tetrakis(4-sulfonatophenyl)chlorin: Role ofConformational Flexibility
Dynamics of 4-Benzylamino-7-nitrobenzofurazan in the 1-Propanol/Water Binary SolventSystem. Evidence for Composition-Dependent Solvent Organization
Mixed Frequency/Time Domain Optical Analogues of Heteronuclear MultidimensionalNMR
Dications of Bis-triarylamino-[2.2]paracyclophanes: Evaluation of Excited State Couplingsby GMH Analysis
Twisting Dynamics in the Excited Singlet State of Michler's Ketone
Binding Energies of Water to Doubly Hydrated Cationized Glutamine and StructuralAnalogues in the Gas Phase
Investigation of the Primary Photodynamics of the Aqueous Formate Anion
Migration-Driven Instability in the Chlorite−Tetrathionate Reaction
Transfer of Parahydrogen-Induced Hyperpolarization to 19F
Exploration of the Potential Energy Surfaces, Prediction of Atmospheric Concentrations,and Prediction of Vibrational Spectra for the HO2···(H2O)n (n = 1−2) Hydrogen BondedComplexes
Molecular Orbital Studies of Gas-Phase Interactions between Complex Molecules
An ab Initio Study on the Allene−Isocyanic Acid and Ketene−Vinylimine [2 + 2]Cycloaddition Reaction Paths
Inelastic Neutron Scattering Spectrum of Cs2[B12H12]: Reproduction of Its Solid-StateVibrational Spectrum by Periodic DFT
Kinetic and Product Yield Study of the Heterogeneous Gas−Surface Reaction ofAnthracene and Ozone
Reaction of Oleic Acid Particles with NO3 Radicals: Products, Mechanism, andImplications for Radical-Initiated Organic Aerosol Oxidation
Double-Channel Contact Recombination of Radical Pairs Subjected to Spin Conversion viathe Δg Mechanism
Effect of Vibrational Excitation on the Collisional Removal of Free Radicals by Atoms: OH(v=1) + N
Theoretical Study on “Multilayer” Nitrogen Cages
Theoretical Investigation of Product Channels in the CH3O2 + Br Reaction
Interactive Propagation of Photosensitive Chemical Waves on Two Circular Routes
Computational Study of Matrix−Peptide Interactions in MALDI Mass Spectrometry: Interactions of 2,5- and 3,5-Dihydroxybenzoic Acid with the TripeptideValine−Proline−Leucine
Kinetics of OH Radical Reaction with Anthracene and Anthracene-d10
Photoinduced Decarboxylative Benzylation of Phthalimide Triplets with Phenyl Acetates: aMechanistic Study
A Theoretical Investigation on the Wurster's Crown Analogue of 18-Crown-6
Uptake of SO2 on HOBr−Ice Surfaces
Favorable Pendant-Amino Metal Chelation in VX Nerve Agent Model Systems
Effects of Extension or Prevention of π-Conjugation on Photoinduced Electron TransferProcesses of Ferrocene−Oligothiophene−Fullerene Triads
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