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Quenching of Singlets and Triplets by Reversible Ionization Followed by ChargeRecombination
Intracluster Ion−Molecule Reactions of Ti+ with C2H5OH and CF3CH2OH Clusters: Influence of Fluorine Substituents on Chemical Reactivity
Dynamics of 9-Hydroxyphenalenone Studied by One-Dimensional Solid-State Spin ExchangeNMR
Ionic Association of Hydroperoxide Anion HO2- in the Binding Mean SphericalApproximation. Spectroscopic Study of Hydrogen Peroxide in Concentrated SodiumHydroxide Solutions
Isomer Stability and Bond-Breaking Energies of N8C8H8 Cages
What Is So Specialabout the Sorption Behavior of Highly Fluorinated Compounds?
Photophysical Properties of a 1,2,3,4,5,6-Hexasubstituted Fullerene Derivative
Infrared Spectra of the Complexes of Trifluoroethene with Dimethyl Ether, Acetone, andOxirane: A Cryosolution Study
Estimation of Electronic Couplingfor Intermolecular Electron Transfer from Cross-Reaction Data
Heterogeneous Uptake of Ozone on Reactive Components of Mineral Dust Aerosol: AnEnvironmental Aerosol Reaction Chamber Study
Computational Study on the Bond Dissociation Enthalpies in the Enolic and Ketonic Formsof β-Diketones: Their Influence on Metal−Ligand Bond Enthalpies
Calorimetrically Measurable Enthalpic Isotope Effect
Theoretical Investigation of One-Photon and Two-Photon Absorption Properties forMultiply N-Confused Porphyrins
Furan−Formic Acid Dimers: An ab Initio and Matrix Isolation Study
Quantum Chemical Study of the Structure and Thermochemistry of the Five-MemberedNitrogen-Containing Heterocycles and Their Anions and Radicals
Empirical Determination of the Harmonic Force Constants in Benzene. 4. The FermiResonances
Photoinduced Bimolecular Electron Transfer Investigated by Femtosecond Time-ResolvedInfrared Spectroscopy
Investigation on the Correlation between the Interaction Energies of All Substituted Groupsand the Molecular Stabilities of Nitro Compounds
Infrared Vibrational Autodetachment Spectroscopy of Microsolvated Benzonitrile RadicalAnions
Infrared Spectra and Ab Initio Calculations for the F-−(CH4)n (n = 1−8) Anion Clusters
New Findings on the Diels−Alder Reactions. An Analysis Based on the Bonding EvolutionTheory
Excited-State Proton Transfer from Pyranine to Acetate in γ-Cyclodextrin andHydroxypropyl γ-Cyclodextrin
Ab Initio Exploration of Rearrangement Reactions: Intramolecular Hydrogen ScramblingProcesses in Acetone
Spectroscopic Signatures of Halogens in Clathrate Hydrate Cages. 1. Bromine
Effect of Adsorption Site, Size, and Composition of Pt/Au Bimetallic Clusters on the COFrequency: A Density Functional Theory Study
Cationic and Anionic Fragmentation of Dichloromethane following Inner-Shell (Cl 1s)Photoexcitation
Ground and Lowest-Lying Electronic States of CoN. A Multiconfigurational Study
Dual-Basis Analytic Gradients. 1. Self-Consistent Field Theory
Altering the Emission Behavior with the Turn of a Thiophene Ring: The Photophysics ofCondensed Ring Systems of Alternating Benzenes and Thiophenes
Theoretical Studies of Symmetric Five-Membered Heterocycle Derivatives of Carbazole andFluorene: Precursors of Conducting Polymers
Quantum Mechanical Calculations of Tryptophan and Comparison with Conformations inNative Proteins
An All-Atom Force Field for Metallocenes
Origin of the Single Chain Magnet Behavior of the Co(H2L)(H2O) Compound with a 1DStructure
Competitive Consecutive Electron Transfer in Determination of Ionization Potentials: Ketene Derivatives
Raman Spectral Conformational Order Indicators in Perdeuterated Alkyl Chain Systems
Quantum Mechanical Size and Steric Hindrance
Electrolyte Screening Effect on the Photoprotolytic Cycle of Excited Photoacid in Ice
Matrix Isolation and Theoretical Study of the Reaction of Substituted Phosphines withCrCl2O2
Direct Dynamics Simulations of O(3P) + HCl at Hyperthermal Collision Energies
Covalent Interaction and Semiempirical Modeling of Small Molecules
Optical and Photophysical Properties of Indolocarbazole Derivatives
Vaporization Thermodynamic Studies by High-Temperature Mass Spectrometry on SomeThree-Phase Regions over the MnO−TeO2 Binary Line in the Mn−Te−O Ternary System
Spatiotemporal Dynamics of the Landolt Reaction in an Open Spatial Reactor with ConicalGeometry
Chain Photoreduction of CCl3F in TiO2 Suspensions: Enhancement Induced by O2
Interaction of Polar Molecules with Resonant Radio Frequency Electric Fields: Imaging ofthe NO Molecular Beam Splitting
EPR Studies of Amine Radical Cations. Part 2. Thermal and Photo-InducedRearrangements of Propargylamine and Allylamine Radical Cations in Low-TemperatureFreon Matrices
Diffusion-Controlled Reactions: Hydrodynamic Interaction between Charged, UniformlyReactive Spherical Reactants
Density Functional Study on Geometrical Features and Electronic Structures ofDi-μ-oxo-Bridged [Mn2O2(H2O)8]q+ with Mn(II), Mn(III), and Mn(IV)
Ab Initio Study of Hydrogen-Bond Formation between Cyclic Ethers and Selected AminoAcid Side Chains
Tunneling through Weak Interactions: Comparison of Through-Space-, H-Bond-, andThrough-Bond-Mediated Tunneling
Is NO3 Formed during the Decomposition of Nitramine Explosives?
Dynamics Study of the OH + O3 Atmospheric Reaction with Both Reactants VibrationallyExcited
Influence of Reagent Rotation on (H-, D2) and (D-, H2) Collisions: A Quantum MechanicalStudy
Sum-over-States Calculation of the Specific Rotations of Some Substituted Oxiranes,Chloropropionitrile, Ethane, and Norbornenone
Photophysics of an Indigo Derivative (Keto and Leuco Structures) with Singular Properties
On the Spectroscopic and Thermochemical Properties of ClO, BrO, IO, and Their Anions
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