| - Reactions of laser-ablated lanthanum and yttrium atoms with carbon monoxide molecules in solid neon havebeen investigated using matrix-isolation infrared spectroscopy. The M(CO)x and MCO+ (M = La, Y; x =1−4) molecules have been formed and identified on the basis of isotopic shifts, mixed isotopic splittingpatterns, and CCl4-doping experiments. Density functional theory calculations have been performed on theselanthanum and yttrium carbonyls. The agreement between the experimental and calculated vibrationalfrequencies, relative absorption intensities, and isotopic shifts substantiates the identification of these carbonylsfrom the matrix infrared spectrum. The present study reveals that the C−O stretching vibrational frequenciesof MCO+ decrease from Sc to La, which indicates an increasing in metal d orbital → CO π* back-donationin this series.