| - The micellization parameters of a series ofoxyethylene/oxybutylene(BnEmBn)triblock copolymers(B4E40B4,B5E39B5,B5E91B5,B6E46B6,B7E22B7,B7E40B7,B10E271B10, andB12E260B12) were summarized toobtain collectiveconclusions on the dominant factors that affect the micellization ofsuch sort of triblock copolymers in aqueoussolution. The effects of the block lengths of both the hydrophobicend B blocks and the hydrophilic middleE block on the critical micellar concentrations, the associationnumbers, the second virial coefficients ofmicelles, the enthalpy of micellization, the hydrodynamic radius, andthe intermicellar cross-linking arediscussed. It was found that the micellization was mainlydetermined by the B block length while the micellarsize and the intermicellar structure were influenced greatly by the Eblock length. The scaling theory thatwas derived from diblock copolymer micelle models can also be used intriblock copolymer miceller systems.