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Hydrogen Evolution Reaction on Electrodes: Influence of Work Function, DipolarAdsorption, and Desolvation Energies
Dynamic Conformations of Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide: Simulated Molecular Dynamics ofthe Flavin Cofactor Related to the Time-Resolved Fluorescence Characteristics
Structure of Hydrated Microporous Aluminophosphates: Static and Molecular DynamicsApproaches of AlPO4-34 from First Principles Calculations
Correlation between Optical Properties and Chain-Length in a Quasi-One-DimensionalElectronic Polymer
RadicalInduced Impeding of Charge Recombination
A Versatile Surface Modification Scheme for Attaching Metal Nanoparticles onto Gold: Characterization by Electrochemical Infrared Spectroscopy
g-Tensor of the Neutral Flavin Radical Cofactor of DNA Photolyase Revealed by 360-GHzElectron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Neutron Small Angle Scattering Studies of Micellar Growth in Mixed Anionic-NonionicSurfactants, Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate, SDS, and Hexaethylene Glycol Monododecyl Ether,C12E6, in the Presence and Absence of Solubilized Alkane, Hexadecane
Dendrimers Functionalized with a Single Pyrene Label: Synthesis, Photophysics, andFluorescence Quenching
The Reaction Mechanism of Bovine Lens Leucine Aminopeptidase
On the Relationship between the Characteristics of Bilirubin Oxidases and O2 CathodesBased on Their “Wiring”
Can Divalent Metal Cations Stabilize the Triplex Motif? Theoretical Study of theInteraction of the Hydrated Mg2+ Cation with the G−G·C Triplet
Fe2O3 Nanoparticle Structures Investigated by X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Structure,Surface Modifications, and Model Calculations
High-Pressure Studies on Aggregation Number of Surfactant Micelles Using theFluorescence Quenching Method
Geometry of Reactant Centers in the CoII-Substrate Radical Pair State of CoenzymeB12-Dependent Ethanolamine Deaminase Determined by UsingOrientation-Selection-ESEEM Spectroscopy
ADensity Functional Study on the Effect of the Trans AxialLigand of Cobalamin on the Homolytic Cleavage of the Co−CBond
Electronic Structure of the Polymer Phase of CsC60: Refocused INADEQUATEExperiments
Electrophoresis of a Nonrigid Entity in a Spherical Cavity
Physisorption of Molecular Hydrogen on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: A TheoreticalStudy
Photophysical and Photochemical Processes of an Unsymmetrical Fullerene Dimer, C121
Quantitative Characterization of Membrane Binding of Peripheral Proteins by Spin-LabelEPR Spectroscopy
Chemically Selective Imaging of Subcellular Structure in Human Hepatocytes withCoherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS) Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy(NSOM)
Remarkable Improvement on the Methane Aromatization Reaction: A Highly Selective andCoking-Resistant Catalyst
Adsorption of a Benzylic Amide Macrocycle on a Solid Substrate: XPS and HREELSCharacterization of Thin Films Grown on Au(111)
Reactions of Butylbenzene Isomers on Zeolite HBeta: Methanol-to-Olefins HydrocarbonPool Chemistry and Secondary Reactions of Olefins
Probing Diffusional Transport in Redox-Active Dendrimers
Anomalous Magnetic Behavior in Three Kinds of 3-(Aryl-substituted)-1,5-diphenylverdazylRadical Crystals (p-FPDV, p-PyDV and m-PyDV) Induced by Frustrated Spin Interaction
Multiplex Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering Microspectroscopy and Study of LipidVesicles
Au-Core/Pt-Shell Bimetallic Cluster-Loaded TiO2. 1. Adsorption of OrganosulfurCompound
Model Catalyst Studies on Vanadia Particles Deposited onto a Thin-Film Alumina Support.1. Structural Characterization
A 2-Site Model for Simulating Supercritical Fluoroform
Trends in the Carbonyl Core (C 1S, O 1S) → π*C=O Transition in the Near-Edge X-rayAbsorption Fine Structure Spectra of Organic Molecules
Comparison of Electron-Transfer and Charge-Retention Characteristics ofPorphyrin-Containing Self-Assembled Monolayers Designed for MolecularInformation Storage
An Excitonic Pentamer Model for the Core Qy States of the Isolated Photosystem IIReaction Center
Heat Capacity and Antiferromagnetic Phase Transition of the Organic Free RadicalMagnet, 2-tert-Butylaminoxylbenzimidazole (BABI)
Two-Dimensional Correlation Analysis of Peptide Unfolding: Molecular DynamicsSimulations of β Hairpins
Synthetic Vesicles at Hydrophobic Surfaces
Solution Properties of Self-Assembled Amphiphilic Copolymers Determined byIsomerization Spectroscopy
Study of Carrier Generation in Phthalocyanines by Time-Resolved Fluorescence
Discrimination of C1:G72 MicrohelixAla by AlaRS Is Based on Specific Atomic GroupsRather Than Conformational Effects: An NMR and MD Analysis
Purification of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes by Selective Microwave Heating of CatalystParticles
Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Studies on the Structure of thePoly(vinylpyrrolidone)-Stabilized Cu/Pd Nanoclusters Colloidally Dispersed in Solution
The Moment Equations of Chromatography for Monolithic Stationary Phases
Growth of Gold Clusters into Nanoparticles in a Solution Following Laser-InducedFragmentation
Origins of theSensitivity of Molecular Vibrations to Electric Fields: Carbonyland Nitrosyl Stretches in Model Compounds and Proteins
Development of A Novel Dual-Layer Thick Ag Substrate for Surface-Enhanced RamanScattering (SERS) of Self-Assembled Monolayers
Small-Angle X-ray Scattering Studies of the Manganese Stabilizing Subunit inPhotosystem II
Analysis of the Mechanisms of Electron Recombination in Nanoporous TiO2 Dye-SensitizedSolar Cells. Nonequilibrium Steady-State Statistics and Interfacial Electron Transfer viaSurface States
Polymorphism, Structure, Guest Conformation, and Dynamics in the Inclusion Compoundof 1,2-Dichloroethane with Tris(5-acetyl-3-thienyl) Methane: a Combined Single Crystaland Powder X-ray Diffraction, 13C CP/MAS, and 2H NMR Study
Probing Thermodynamic Aspects of Electrochemically Driven Ion-Transfer ProcessesAcross Liquid|Liquid Interfaces: Pure versus Diluted Redox Liquids
Molecular Oxygen Reduction in PEM Fuel Cells: Evidence for the Simultaneous Presenceof Two Active Sites in Fe-Based Catalysts
Introducing an Implicit Membrane in Generalized Born/Solvent Accessibility ContinuumSolvent Models
Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy of Insulating Self-Assembled Monolayers on Au(111)
Electron Transport in Particulate ZnO Electrodes: A Simple Approach
Changes in the Electronic Properties of a Molecule When It Is Wired into a Circuit
Preparation of Rh−Graphite and Rh−Clay Nanocomposites: Model Substances forNanographite and Induced Magnetization in 4d Transition Metals
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