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| - In Situ Investigations on the Electrochemical Polymerization and Properties of PolyanilineThin Films by Surface Plasmon Optical Techniques
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| - The combination of in situ surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy (SPS) and surface plasmon field-enhancedlight scattering (SPLS) with an electrochemical method was used to simultaneously investigate the opticaland electrochemical properties of polyaniline films on a planar gold electrode. First, the electropolymerizationprocess of aniline and then the doping−dedoping process of the resulting polyaniline film were investigatedusing SPS and SPLS. The electropolymerization of aniline was achieved by applying a cycling potentialknown from cyclic voltammetry. Potential cycling resulted in distinct oscillations sensitively monitored withboth techniques. Information was obtained on the change of the dielectric constant of the film and of the filmthickness, corresponding to morphology transitions of the polyaniline film. The time-differential SPS kineticreflectivity curve was correlated with cyclic voltammetry. SPLS was also applied in a reversed attenuatedtotal reflection configuration to obtain more correlation with the electrochemical behavior and optical propertiesof the polyaniline film. Thus, this combination of experimental approaches allows for the simultaneouselucidation of optical and electrochemical properties of an ultrathin conducting polymer film.
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