| - Extended networks of nanosized semiconductor particles permeated with an electrolyte display uniqueelectrochemical behaviors. We report on a general investigation of the electrochemical properties of nanoporouselectrodes by means of cyclic voltammetry. Models have been developed accounting for the fundamentalcharacteristics of these electrodes: charge accumulation, charge transport, and interfacial charge transfer.These characteristics can be translated into simple electrical equivalents, which allow us to identify and classifythe major features of voltammetry response according to the competition of the different processes during avoltammetric scan. A key point for describing the experimental observations is the potential dependence ofthe intrinsic film capacitance. The physical meaning of this capacitance is discussed in terms of the distributionof electronic states. We describe in detail the numerical simulation methods, and despite the simplicity of ourapproach, we show that these methods allow for quantitative description of experimental data of nanoporousTiO2 electrodes in aqueous electrolyte, including the determination of the density of states and the absoluteenergy levels.