| - We earlier devised a set of fluctuation functions that provide relative qualitative differences of the amplitude(intensity) and the wavelength (extensity) of fluctuations in entropy and volume and the entropy−volumecross fluctuations. We discuss the mixing schemes in aqueous NaCl and urea using these fluctuation functions.Our earlier studies by using the second and third derivatives of Gibbs energy indicated that their effects onH2O are qualitatively different. An NaCl hydrates 7.5 molecules of H2O but leaves the bulk H2O away fromthe hydration shell unperturbed. Urea, on the other hand, connects onto the hydrogen bond network of H2Obut retards the degree of fluctuation inherent in H2O. The behavior of the fluctuation functions calculatedhere are consistent with the above mixing schemes. Furthermore, urea was found to reduce the wavelengthof fluctuation more strongly than NaCl.