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À propos de : An In-depth Study of Supported In2O3 Catalysts for the Selective Catalytic Reduction ofNOx: The Influence of the Oxide Support        

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  • An In-depth Study of Supported In2O3 Catalysts for the Selective Catalytic Reduction ofNOx: The Influence of the Oxide Support
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  • The influence of the oxide support (i.e., Al2O3, Nb2O5, SiO2, and TiO2,) on the surface properties, reductionand oxidation properties, acid−base properties, and catalytic activity of supported indium oxide catalysts hasbeen investigated by temperature-programmed reduction/oxidation, thermogravimetry coupled to differentialscanning calorimetry, ammonia and sulfur dioxide adsorption calorimetry, and reduction of NOx by ethene inhighly oxygen-rich atmosphere. Two series of In2O3-containing catalysts at low (≈3 wt %) and at theoreticalgeometric monolayer (from 20 to 40 wt %) In2O3 content were prepared and their properties were comparedwith unsupported In2O3 material. Supports able to disperse the In2O3 aggregates with high In stabilizationgave rise to active catalytic systems. Among the studied oxide supports, Al2O3 and, to a lower extent, TiO2were found to be the best supports for obtaining active de-NOx catalysts.
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