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À propos de : Preparing a Magnetically Responsive Single-Wall Carbon Nanohorn Colloid by AnchoringMagnetite Nanoparticles        

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  • Preparing a Magnetically Responsive Single-Wall Carbon Nanohorn Colloid by AnchoringMagnetite Nanoparticles
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  • A single-wall carbon nanohorn (SWNH) colloid was made to be magnetically responsive by anchoringmagnetite nanoparticles prepared by the homogeneous mixing of FeCl2−FeCl3 and NaOH solutions.Transmission electron microscopy observation showed the high dispersion of magnetite particles of 2−9 nmon the surface of the SWNH colloid, coinciding with the broad X-ray diffraction peaks of the magnetites.The magnetization measurements showed that the magnetite nanoparticles-anchored SWNH (mag-SWNH)colloid has the hybrid property of ferrimagnetism and superparamagnetism. It was demonstrated that mag-SWNH colloid dispersed in water by sonication responded to an external magnetic field, gathering toward amagnet. N2 adsorption experiments showed the high nanoporosity of mag-SWNHs and that magnetitenanoparticles were preferably anchored at “nanowindow” sites and the entrance sites of interstitial pores.This magnetically responsive SWNH colloid should contribute to the field of drug delivery.
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