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Phase Biaxiality in Nematic Liquid Crystalline Side-Chain Polymers of Various ChemicalConstitutions
High-Resolution X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Chlorine-Terminated GaAs(111)ASurfaces
Classical Molecular Dynamics Study of [60]Fullerene Interactions with Silica and PolyesterSurfaces
Mechanism of Hydroxyl Radical Generation from a Silica Surface: Molecular Orbital Calculations
Electrochemistry and Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence of All-trans ConjugatedPolymer Poly[distyrylbenzene-b-(ethylene Oxide)]s
Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Based on Anatase TiO2 Nanoparticle/Nanowire Composites
Characterization by 27Al NMR, X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy, and Density FunctionalTheory Techniques of the Species Responsible for Benzene Hydrogenation in YZeolite-Supported Carburized Molybdenum Catalysts
The Effect of Salt Stoichiometry on Protein−Salt Interactions Determined by TernaryDiffusion in Aqueous Solutions
Estimation of Dielectric Function of Biotin-Capped Gold Nanoparticles via SignalEnhancement on Surface Plasmon Resonance
Al2O3:Cr3+ Nanotubes Synthesized via Homogenization Precipitation Followed byHeat Treatment
Hierarchical Structured Ni Nanoring and Hollow Sphere Arrays by MorphologyInheritance Based on Ordered Through-Pore Template and Electrodeposition
Edge-On Bonding of Benzene Molecules in the Second Adsorbed Layer on Cu(110)
In Search of Fully Uncomplexed Cyclodextrin in the Presence of Micellar Aggregates
A New Redox-Resettable Molecule-Based Half-Adder with Tetrathiafulvalene
Electrowetting of Aligned Carbon Nanotube Films
Aqueous Solvation Free Energies of Ions and Ion−Water Clusters Based on an AccurateValue for the Absolute Aqueous Solvation Free Energy of the Proton
Angular and Local Spectroscopic Analysis to Probe the Vertical Alignment of N-dopedWell-separated Carbon Nanotubes
Effects of Temperature on the Alignment and Electrooptical Responses of a NematicNanoscale Liquid Crystalline Film
Conformational Equilibrium of 1,2-Dichloroethane in Water: Comparison of PCM andRISM-SCF Methods
Characterization of Iron Promoter in Tungstated Zirconia Catalysts by MössbauerSpectroscopy at Very Low Temperatures
Novel Method for the Synthesis of Hydrophobic Pt−Ru Nanoparticles and Its Applicationto Preparing a Nafion-Free Anode for the Direct Methanol Fuel Cell
Pulsed Electrodeposition of Two-Dimensional Ag Nanostructures on Au(111)
Room-Temperature Isolation of V(benzene)2 Sandwich Clusters via Soft-Landing inton-Alkanethiol Self-Assembled Monolayers
Transport Properties of the Ionic Liquid 1-Ethyl-3-Methylimidazolium Chloridefrom Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics Simulation. The Effectof Temperature
Kinetics of Strain-Induced Structural Changes under High Pressure
Protein Secondary Structure Controlled with Light and Photoresponsive Surfactants
Turkevich Method for Gold Nanoparticle Synthesis Revisited
Dependence of DNA Electronic Structure on Environmental and Structural Variations
Rate of Interfacial Electron Transfer through the 1,2,3-Triazole Linkage
Theoretical Study of Long Oligothiophene Dications: Bipolaron vs Polaron Pair vs TripletState
Controlled One-Dimensional Nanostructures in Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Thin Film forHigh-Performance Organic Field-Effect Transistors
Nonphotochemical Hole-Burning Study of Selectively Stained Normal and CancerousHuman Ovarian Tissues
Infrared Multiphoton Dissociation Spectroscopic Analysis of Peptides and Oligosaccharidesby Using Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry with aMidinfrared Free-Electron Laser
Comparison of Ribonucleic Acid Homopolymer Ionization Energies andCharge Injection Barriers
The Colors of Polydiacetylenes: a Commentary
Molecular Interactions between Estrogen Receptor and Its Ligand Studied by the ab InitioFragment Molecular Orbital Method
Pyrene-Terminated Phenylenethynylene Rigid Linkers Anchored to Metal OxideNanoparticles
ZnO-Based Hollow Microspheres: Biopolymer-Assisted Assemblies from ZnO Nanorods
Rich Coordination Chemistry of Au Adatoms in Gold Sulfide Monolayer on Au(111)
Propensity for the Air/Water Interface and Ion Pairing in Magnesium Acetate vsMagnesium Nitrate Solutions: Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Surface TensionMeasurements
Insights into the Self-Directed Structuring of Hybrid Organic−Inorganic Silicas throughInfrared Studies
Synchrotron X-ray Scattering Study of the Mechanism of Nanopore Generation inNanoporous Organosilicate Thin Films Imprinted with a Reactive Six-Armed Porogen
Molecular Insights into the Heterogeneous Crystal Growth of sI Methane Hydrate
The Micro-Optical Ring Electrode. 3: Transient Photocurrent Studies ofPhotophysical−Electrochemical and Photophysical−Chemical−Electrochemical Systems
Role of the Middle Residue in the Triple Tryptophan Electron Transfer Chain of DNAPhotolyase: Ultrafast Spectroscopy of a Trp→Phe Mutant
Mesopore Structure of Microcrystalline Cellulose Tablets Characterized by NitrogenAdsorption and SEM: The Influence on Water-Induced Ionic Conduction
Partial Oxidation of Propene on Oxygen-Covered Au(111)
Photophysical and Photocatalytic Properties of SrTiO3 Doped with Cr Cations onDifferent Sites
Origin of Enhanced Crystal Growth Kinetics near Tg Probed with IndomethacinPolymorphs
Hierarchical Saw-like ZnO Nanobelt/ZnS Nanowire Heterostructures Induced by PolarSurfaces
IR Spectra of Photopolymerized C60 Films. Experimental and Density Functional TheoryStudy
Morphological Control and Luminescent Properties of YVO4:Eu Nanocrystals
Maneuvering the Surface Plasmon Resonance of Silver Nanostructures throughShape-Controlled Synthesis
On the Accuracy of Force Fields for Predicting the Physical Properties ofDimethylnitramine
Rh-Promoted Methanol Decomposition on Cerium Oxide Thin Films
Atomic Structures of Benzene and Pyridine on Si(5 5 12)-2 × 1
Sensitivity Enhancement and Heteronuclear Distance Measurements in Biological 17OSolid-State NMR
Debundling of Single-Walled Nanotubes by Dilution: Observation of Large Populations ofIndividual Nanotubes in Amide Solvent Dispersions
Modeling the Concentration Dependence of the Methanol Self-Diffusivity in FaujasiteSystems: Comparison with the Liquid Phase
Hierarchically Structured Cobalt Oxide (Co3O4): The Morphology Control and ItsPotential in Sensors
Revisiting Acido-basicity of the MgO Surface by Periodic Density Functional TheoryCalculations: Role of Surface Topology and Ion Coordination on Water Dissociation
Core−Shell and Hollow Nanocrystal Formation via Small Molecule SurfacePhotodissociation; Ag@Ag2Se as an Example
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Structure, Thermodynamic, and Dynamic Properties ofPoly(dimethylsilamethylene), Poly(dimethylsilatrimethylene) and Their AlternatingCopolymer
Phase Diagrams of Binary Crystalline−Crystalline Polymer Blends
Structural Changes in Self-Assembled Monolayers Initiated by Ultraviolet Light
Role of Solvation in the Energy Stabilization Inside the Hydrophobic Core of the ProteinRubredoxin
Diffusion NMR as a New Method for the Determination of the Gel Point of Gelatin
An Adiabatic Linearized Path Integral Approach for Quantum Time-Correlation FunctionsII: A Cumulant Expansion Method for Improving Convergence
High-Density, Aligned SiO2 Nanowire Arrays: Microscopic Imaging of the Unique GrowthStyle and Their Ultraviolet Light Emission Properties
Intercalation of Ethidium into Triple-Strand Poly(rA)·2Poly(rU): A Thermodynamic andKinetic Study
Thermal Stability and Thermodynamic Properties of Hybrid Proton-Conducting PolyarylEtherketones
Carbon Monoxide Adsorption and Oxidation on Monolayer Films of Cubic PlatinumNanoparticles Investigated by Infrared−Visible Sum Frequency Generation VibrationalSpectroscopy
Modeling Steady-State Experiments with a Scanning Electrochemical Microscope InvolvingSeveral Independent Diffusing Species Using the Boundary Element Method
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