| - Electrochemical studies provide broad, but not cation- or anion-specific information on the migration of chargedions. However, individual ion diffusion (as a weighted average of charged and neutral ions) can be measuredusing pulsed-gradient spin-echo (PGSE) NMR. In this paper, the lithium transport in an electrolyte includinga lithium salt was measured using electrophoretic NMR (ENMR) with non-blocking electrodes. A propylenecarbonate (PC) solution doped with LiN(SO2CF3)2 (LiTFSI) was inserted in a homemade NMR cell equippedwith Li/Li electrodes. The drift migrations of lithium cation (7Li), anion (19F), and solvent (1H) were measuredindependently under potentials of up to 3.0 V. Greatly enhanced dynamic lithium transport was observed forthe first time in the bulk electrolyte under an electric field closely related to real conditions in a rechargeablelithium battery.