| - The aqueous solubilization of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) with the aid of a block copolymer possessing onepolyelectrolyte block (namely polystyrene-b-sodium (sulfamate/carboxylate polyisoprene)) is reported. Thesolubilization protocol, based on the co-dissolution of the copolymer and the CNTs, leads to the formationof supramolecular assemblies on the side walls of the tubes. Electron microscopy as well as infraredspectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis were employed as meaningful probes to identify the adsorptionof the polymer onto the surface of CNTs and the composition of the final hybrid material. Viscositymeasurements on solutions of the copolymer decorated CNTs indicate that the polyelectrolyte effect, whichis observed in the case of net polymers, is preserved in a lesser extent in the case of the copolymer/CNTsdispersions.