| - Azobenzene derivatives act as both impellers and gatekeepers when they are tethered in and on mesoporoussilica nanoparticles. Continuous excitation at 457 nm, a wavelength where both the cis and trans conformersabsorb, produces constant isomerization reactions and results in continual dynamic wagging of the untetheredterminus. The 2 nm diameter pores are loaded with luminescent probe molecules, azobenzene motion isstimulated by light, and the photoinduced expulsion of the probe from the particles that is caused by themotion is monitored by luminescence spectroscopy. The light-responsive nature of these materials enablesthem to be externally controlled such that the expulsion of dye molecules from the mesopores can be startedand stopped at will. These results open the possibilities of trapping useful molecules such as drugs and releasingthem on demand.