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À propos de : Molecules with Multiple Light-Emissive Electronic Excited States as a Strategy towardMolecular Reversible Logic Gates        

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  • Molecules with Multiple Light-Emissive Electronic Excited States as a Strategy towardMolecular Reversible Logic Gates
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  • A variety of molecule-based logic gates have been developed where chemical and/or physical inputs promotemolecular changes integrating up to two logic gates and focusing on Boolean interpretations derived fromirreversible gates. However, reversible logic has its uses in quantum computing, low-power CMOS, and opticaland DNA computing. In this paper, we demonstrate the integration of three logic gates (viz., an XOR gateand two complementary INHIBIT gates) in a single molecule as a strategy toward developing molecules thatcan operate in a reversible logic mode by exploiting the four light-emissive electronic excited states. Thefluorescence emission from two homologous but inherently different charge-transfer states can be appliedtoward a conservative XOR gate in such a way that the 11 and 10 outputs can be used to derive the 01 and10 inputs. This provides an alternative to existing molecular irreversible logic gates, an approach that hasraised an enormous expectation, but which contain less information in their output than is present in theirinputs. In a complementary way, a half-subtractor based on a combination of the XOR gate and one of theINHIBIT gates was thus produced.
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